Guild robbed me?

I recently joined a guild and things were going well. I had zero push back. Was active. Heard absolutely nothing negative from anyone including officers and the GM.

I deposited a large amount of mats into the guild bank and was immediately kicked and remove from discord.

It was around 120k worth of mats I had collected to be used for feasts and enchants for other guild members.

I feel like I was encouraging to help and I enjoy farming and making gold so it wasn’t a big deal. I do however did not enjoy simply being robbed and told to “deal with it”. Is there anything to be done?


I too go to the forums with zero evidence of wrongdoing instead of opening up a ticket to speak with a GM.


ill bite because i got nothing better to do at the moment, not sure if naming the guild or gm to warn people not to go to a scam/guild is against the rules so ill go with ‘what is the guild about’ without naming it.

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This is why you should only take things out of the guild bank, never deposit them.

Rob your guild before they rob you.


dude there’s always something better than taking weak bait
but since you were late to the party OP necro’d a thread over a year old as well with a post that has since disappeared
don’t give it another thought

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I honestly forgot about this post too since i was buissy doodling comics and playing tf2 to scratch that itch for it lol. Thought this was a post vauging about ‘sunhitter’ or some such but guess your right. time to let the thread die!

Well, that’s a load of organic poop. I’m surprised they didn’t keep you to leech more off of ya. Wisp me in game sometime with the guild name. I’ll light 'em up. Idgaf about my “reputation” in a “smol” community. It’s the internet. Ppl suck and i’ll let em know it. Fk that shiz.


To prove robbery, you would need to show that the guild satisfied all of the elements of robbery. Those elements consist of the following:
(1) The Guild took your property (2) from your person or in your presence (3) by use of force or fear (4) and with the intent to permanently deprive you of said property.

(1) The guild did not take your property. While the seized goods were generated from your own labor, anything in the game is wholly and absolutely owned by Blizzard Entertainment. You are merely paying for a license to access that property. If Blizzard shut the entire game down, therefore depriving you of access to those “goods”, they would not have to reimburse you for that.

(2) The materials were not taken from you, but from a community bank where you willingly deposited those materials with the knowledge that the guild could kick you for an arbitrary reason.

(3) There is no evidence here that the guild used violence, threats, or intimidation against you. It seems like they barely interacted with you.

(4) This element seems satisfied, as they did kick you from the guild.

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Firstly, if you were not asked or otherwise nudged towards donating such materials, then no, it was not a robbery. It was a donation. Secondly, the post makes absolutely no mention of any potential reason given for the gkick, so as such there’s no reason to suspect a correlation between the two events. Not sure what more there really is to say on the matter. If it “wasn’t a big deal”, then I’m not sure how ambiguously posting on the topic for ideas on retaliation shows that any.

I’m glad I stumbled across this thread just to find the fellow legal professional/student XD

Guild that stole from me died off. They were actually trash and never even got to finish heroic. It’s funny now ahh

son that’s a helluva long time to stay mad
that’s just sad


Well, that escalated quickly…


Open a ticket with a GM.