So I messaged the worthless Blizz Customer support about this and they treated me like they dont care as usual. But here goes. I have been in my current guild since it was made on 6-15-24 and leveled and got my rep to exalted with the guild…and a week a go my paladin was doing some weekly quests to find out that his reputation with the guild had been reset to neutral. Well today doing stuff for the darkmoon fare my death knight who also had been in that guild since it was made and was exalted…now is neutral. Blizz used to care and would restore the reputation but now wont…so im S.O.L and have to regrind it back up. Fix it Blizz!
Having the same bug here, rep reset to 1500/3000 Neutral, found out about it while trying to use the guild battle standard. Support said they will do nothing about it, even though the devs are aware of the issue.
Mine reset yesterday. Guess I’m glad I checked here before I bothered to submit anything.
Had this happen to me today on one of alts, with the rep resetting to 0/3000 neutral. I have multiple characters in the same guild and only one was effected. I’ve had that particular alt in the guild since WoD.
The only thing I can think of that could have caused it was that I removed (gquit) a different alt out of the guild and created a new guild with that other alt, on the day before my rep was reset on the character that remained in the original guild.
Just happened to me, in my personal Guild for my alts. My GM toon cannot access mobile banking all of a sudden, and when I checked my reputation tab, I’m 0/3000 neutral…WTF??? I was already exalted once, do I really have to grind this again can I submit a ticket and have it fixed?
It’s now happened to a 2nd character of mine in the same guild.
Not sure what’s causing it. It sucks.
I just noticed my demon hunter Kyrene-Azgalor is getting guild reputation doing Timewalking quests which seemed odd since I have been exalted with my personal guild since 1/25/20. Then I realized my rep was reset to neutral.
I have not made any changes to the guild, and the character has not left the guild at any time. I have primarily been doing Broken Shore world quests in war mode, timewalking dungeons, and end-boss timewalking raid kills, but did not notice when it reset. It must have been recent since I only have 1000 rep into neutral. I have not seen it with any other characters yet.
This has now happened three times to me, all with characters within the same guild, and this time to my main. This character is the GM of my guild, that I formed 15 years ago, and has had max rep for nearly as long.
Guild rep doesn’t mean that much to me, I’ll get it back up again in short order, but there’s definitely a recurring bug here.
This has now happened to me a fourth time.
This time to the alt it already happened to a month ago.
I can’t say I’ve played that character a lot over the last month, but I’ve at least done the worldsoul/disc fragments, theater troupe, and profession weekly quests. I also did the inscription, herbalism, cooking, and fishing darkmoon faire quests last week. And I’m pretty sure I even did a full round on the Siren Isle three weeks ago, the last time the titan disc fragment weekly was up.
With all those quests completed in the last month since the alt’s guild rep reset the first time, they should not be sitting at 262/3000 neutral with the guild. The character has not left or rejoined their guild since WoD. In fact, none of my characters have left/joined any guilds in the last month.