Guild Rep Reset

Since the patch Tuesday my guild rep is gone. I have been in the guild since 2013, I’m an officer, I have the achievement for being exalted. All my toons have the rep except Iarentshort-Zangermarsh. I was directed here by a Blizzard GM to try and get this figured out so we can make things right. Please help!!

The Blizzard API says that your Guild rep is still Exalted, as shown here:

Why do you think it’s gone? And what do you mean “gone”? Neutral 0 ?

Have you tried turning off all addons when viewing your rep?

Have you tried going to a Guild Vendor and checking whether you are allowed to buy Guild rep purchases like Golden King and Dark Phoenix?

I cant get it to switch to the character I’m having issues on. Its actually Iarentshort-Zangermarsh

My guild banner says I have to be friendly, I’ve been getting guild rep when doing quests, my guiild rep says neutral.

And for the add ons, we turned off the add ons, tried it on my other halfs computer even tuned his off also. We did everything we knew to do. Short of deleting the game and doing a reinstall.

I’m sorry. You did specify that, and I overlooked it.

Yes, I see the rep at Neutral.

OK, the guild rep clearly has been reset everywhere. That has to be a bug. I’m afraid the forums aren’t going to be able to help with a bug.

It seems you’re not alone. It looks like they have lost a bunch of people’s reputations

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So they will just fix it eventually?

I honestly have no idea.

This seems to have been going on for a while, and Blizzard don’t seem to have said anything about it.

TBH, if it’s only your Guild rep that has been affected, you will probably make it back naturally just playing the game before there is a fix. Which is sad, but also reassuring, I suppose.

Personally, I think Blizzard should at the very least take responsibility and explain what they intend to do about it.

You would think so huh? I guess I should throw on my tabard and get back to questing and doing delves. Hopefully they with find a fix for everyone else that has more problems then I do. Thank you for the help today.

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This happened to me on my main (in Jan. 2025), not on any of my alts. The blue said it’s a bug and I should post in the bug forum, which I did over a week ago. My guild leaders did nothing to reset my status, which has been exalted for literally a decade, and I cannot tell if this affected my ability to buy guild items because the only indicator is that I need to be friendly (and from playing a week I’m already honored with the guild again). Is this a game changer? Not really, but unfortunately that is why I think the devs are slogging on this issue. I’m sure they have countless other bugs to fix first. Sadly.

There is nothing they can do.

Guild Rep is earned by each character, by doing quests and dungeons in the game. Just like Stormwind rep or Darnassus rep. The Guild Master has no effect on your Guild rep. Your GM can change your “guild rank”, which affects what you can take out of the Guild Bank, but cannot do anything with your Guild Rep.

Certain items from the Guild Vendor

are available only at higher rep levels. But let’s face it, if you never bought them before, you don’t need them now. And you’ll be able to buy them again when your rep gets back up to Exalted. :smiley:

You misunderstood me. I was saying that my guild leaders had nothing to do with the reset, not that I expect them to be able to fix this.
Also, I was able to see that my ability to buy revered and exalted level items is affected , since I’m already back to honored with the guild (however, I have indeed already bought everything that I wanted). And I do know where the guild vendors are.

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I have had the same guild for my toons since TBC. A couple of my toons come and go from the guild but the rest have been there since day one and they all have had their reputation reset. EVEN THE GUILD LEADER LOL. It’s an absolute joke.

Luckily my guild consists of just myself and my GM (me) is very understanding and offers her sympathies lmao.

This just happened to me yesterday mid-day. I didn’t leave the guild, didn’t get kicked, and nothing changed. I accessed the guild vault to get some mats for raid, when I tried to reenter, it said I didn’t have enough guild reputation to access the bank. When I checked my reputation page, my character’s guild reputation had gone down from exalted to neutral.