Guild rep is frustrating, lost all mine due to a guild kick I didn't know about

Login, realize I am without a guild. Okay, fine, I don’t login super often. But apparently because I got kicked more then 30 days ago and didn’t know, I now have to restart guild rep at neutral. If I leave a guild and join another, I only lose 1 rank - so Exalted down to Revered. So why does it reset back to neutral if it’s over 30 days? I’m not psychic to know that I been guild kicked

huh, that’s weird. I didn’t know you started over at revered if you jump immediately into another guild.

I thought you had to start all over again. Either way, doesn’t matter to me. I don’t use guilds for what they’re for anyway.

Good luck.

Guild rep isn’t really hard to get though. If you have the tabard it’s even less.


Guild rep shouldn’t even be a thing, but I think it only takes like 1-2 days of questing to get to exalted these days.

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What annoyed me was if you switch to an connected server you also lose all rep and I think guild membership.

Not logging in was an issue, but guild rep comes super quick with the tabard.

May need to mail a taberd to your toon from a different character on your account that can buy the tabard. I forget if tabards need rep to buy or not.

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