Guild Information
Guild Name: Adept
Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore
Guild Goal: Complete all TBC content while enjoying each other’s company.
Loot System: Modeled after Onslaught. Each raider makes a priority list for each tier. Attendance is factored in. Loot spreadsheet is maintained and kept in Discord. Everyone knows who an item will go to when it drops before entering the raid.
Raid Times: Raid Schedule begins 6/8:
6/8 & 6/10: Guild Dungeons/Heroics for Pre-BIS Gear
6/15 - 7/1: Tues/Thurs 8-11pm - Gruul’s Lair
Starting 7/6 - Tues: Mag; Thurs: Gruul’s w/Mag afterwards if Mag wasn’t downed
About Us: We like happy raids. We like jokes, laughs, and banter during trash. We like quiet Boss fights - punctuated with reminders of upcoming mechanics. Raiding is an intricate dance - if you are interested in learning the dance and performing all of the moves…this will be a good fit for you.
Raid Recruitments: * Feral Druid (tank w/cat gear too), Warrior (prot or arms with willingness to tank), Boomkin, 1 Raid Healer
Battletag: DavidFears#1364 (characters name is Chaostry)
Feel free to add me to ask more questions!