Guild recruitment forum

I don’t know what all the hate is about on the new forum layout, it’s really not that confusing and frankly it’s not all that different from how it was. I can think of dozens of forums far worse than this one when it comes to navigating, etc.

That said, I’m wondering why this wasn’t taken as an opportunity to look in to how the forums can help people find guilds? Why does there still have to be one huge forum for looking for guilds? It would be so much nicer if Guilds and Players each had their own way to advertise or search for each other separately. Guilds should be able to search for new members and players should be able to search for guilds. Being able to filter posts by raiding days/times and progression aspirations would really be a huge help.

The recruitment forum as it is now as antiquated and it’s really just an overwhelming mess for everyone that tries to use it to connect with others.


I too would like to know if there is a way to separate guilds from players in the guild recruitment forums. Maybe make one for guild advertisements and one for players who are advertising for guilds. Like Looking for Guilds for guilds to post their advertisements there, and Looking for Players for players only who want to post themselves there for guilds to look through and contact.


I’ll post here as well since I already made a post like this and agree. Maybe with two posts they may pay attention!


I too feel the same way. Come on Blizz! You can do it! I support you. Tell you what, if you do it, I will give you a hug. Side note, I give fabulous hugs.


Please blizz make a small change while u still can

if you do this i will not let my sub run out :smiley:

Well you can post on the server forums, or go check out the WoWGuilds subreddit.

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