Can you please create a Classic Guild Recruitment section for us to start forming our guilds? This would be greatly appreciated. If now is not a good time for this, can we please get a response on the matter. Thanks so much!
(If you agree and would like this as well, feel free to reply.)
But why? What good does it do to not have a guild recruitment forum?
What if I want to form a community to level with and continue to do dungeons, raids and PvP at max level? I don’t want to pick a realm being uncertain of what the community will be like. Ideally I’d like to have a raid ready guild formed going in on day 1.
This is true. Most of the recruits do come from in the game. I’ve been recruiting for years with a very successful gaming community, and the majority of people I recruit do come from inside the actual game. I still use the forums for whatever game we are playing to recruit though, because it’s nice to get a healthy base for the game before it comes out.
That being said it would be nice to have a separate forum for recruiting here. I hate to clog up the forums with my recruitment thread, but you have to do what you have to do