Guild recruiting <stand in stuff> Looking for new members 9/9H

Standinstuff is a laid back guild looking to push aotc every patch, and like to promote a chill, fun and relaxed environment. Just looking to have a great time and down some bosses!

We are looking to start working on our team next season as some players are looking to swap things up. Raiding will start up again with 10.1.7 as we prep and gear new mains for 10.2

Raids are
Tuesday 6pm-9pm PST
Wedneday 6pm-9pm PST

We casually run M+ throughout the week and plan some higher key pushes on the weekends.

Currently we are looking for a Tank, dps, and a backup tank/dps. We’re looking heavy on healers for next season but if we grow large enough we may be able to slot one more in.

If we have your interest please message here or myself directly on discord at Malicai

I messaged you on another forum post. I am a career tan that just moved to zul jin. I run keys mostly. I Might be down to raid with you guys though…come next patch. I am down for keys anytime. I have a 436 ish prot pally on Proudmoore. I want to start a druid on zul jin, I can get that toon to 70 in a couple days so I would be good to run baby keys by the weekend. I am doing 20s on my pally and want to push higher I would rather have a group for that and not pugging. Hit me up let me know. dextermorgan#1253

Hey Homelight! We would be stoked to have you come aboard.

If you search standinstuff in game and apply we will approve it promptly

Ok, I started my druid. Name = dendrophiliâ

Hey did my request go through? We were having network issues yesterday from the storm. Just want to make sure I don’t need to redo anything. Thanks

I’m currently away from the PC but pestering the other officers to check asap

No worries, I just wanted to make sure nothing crazy happened.

Still looking for more DPS to join us for Season 3