Guild promotion not recognizing authenticator for one character

Hey there.

I tried to make a ticket in game for this, but can’t get to where I can write a ticket anymore, no categories fit, a ‘closest to’ gives no way to enter a ticket, and if you type anything that includes the word authenticator into the ‘type your problem’ way it just sends you to ‘remove your authenticator solve your problem’ which is the opposite of what the issue is.

I have been away from WoW for awhile, from before they discontinued the old authenticator app to replace it with the one, I logged into my officer in the guild today and was automatically demoted and the guild leader pointed it out that asking if my authenticator changed, and I could tell it had since my bag had the ‘add authenticator to these 4 bag slots’ on the bottom.

I logged out fully, removed the old authenticator from my phone and added the new one, got it attached to my account and logged back into WoW and it looks to recognize it, my backpack has all slots again without the bottom four being restricted, but the Guild Leader still cannot promote me back to officer having the same issue.

I logged into one of my alts in the guild (same account, server and faction) and they said they could promote my alt, but not my main character still.

Is there a bug there, or is there a way to make the guild promotion feature stop blocking my main character from being promoted back to Officer when the account does have an active authenticator, and it can tell it does since my alts can still be promoted?

Their support on it states you have to wait 7 days after adding the authenticator.


Thank you, that makes sense since I didn’t login to the alts until after I’d already fixed the authenticator issue.

Just wish the in-game support would have mentioned anything about that instead of just sending me to remove my authenticator for any typed problem that included authenticator in the sentence, but c’est la vie

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