Guild Permissions... yet ANOTHER thread

So here I am, wanting to set it up so that my guildies who join our Horde guild (thanks Blizz for not implementing cross faction guilds in DF) can put a note on their character to say who they are.

But guess what? They can’t. Unless I give everyone officer permissions.

Dear Blizz: Communities screwed guild ranks and permissions. FIX IT. We’ve been asking for you to do this for YEARS. It’s getting ridiculous now.


That’s weird in communities unless I misread I can set a note on my character

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Did the /guildroster work around get removed?

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That’s only aesthetic. Functionality has never been corrected once the change was made.

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That’s stupid LOL.

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Yes… yes it is. They lumped almost everything into one category and we’ve been asking them for years to fix it.

This is the only blue post made in the megathread:


tone deaf nonsense what a surprise

I’d be almost afraid to let some people edit theirs XD… sure everybody knows the guild rules, but there’d inevitably be those one or two people…

Eh, easily fixed. lol

Though I’ve never had any issues.

I just can’t believe that a permission that was once baseline is now tied into every single important permission within a guild and they won’t even fix it.