Please have a house that we can all go in together as a guild to meet up or some way that there are MULTIPLE ppl that are in a community house, rather than a single, lonely, house. The garrisons were so boring. Please do not repeat this.
I mean, I would HOPE it’s not housing for one person, but rather like Garrisons but with easier access without having to be in your own first. Easier to make it a phased instance folks can get in naturally by just being grouped up.
I most certainly won’t be alone in mine very much if so XD.
The problem with Guild Housing is as Ion said, it’s usually only fun for the guild leader.
Community housing would probably make sense.
Blizzard (should be) smart enough to implement both Player and Guild housing.
How do people get lonely in a video game? My introverted mind just can’t wrap my mind around it. All you have to do is leave your house for a bit and go to where the players are currently congregating.
Becuz in some ppl’s mind, the world revolve around them and everyone else is NPC level
I don’t see why it can’t be both. But PLEASE LET US HAVE PRIVATE HOMES.
I don’t have a guild. I don’t play with a guild and I have a lot of friends. I don’t want to be pushed out of Housing just because I don’t want to be in a guild.
Worse even, a Guild House which I can’t even decorate and need to watch a random Guild Leader make a mess of a style since he will care for 0 input of anyone…
Gods, no. I want my little corner to mess with things.
After a tough day in the salt mines, my characters want to lay down in a comfortable bed to sleep, not a crowd of people, many of whom I barely know.