Guild: Meticulous is RECRUITING

No longer here.

Fury Warrior here I’m interested in your T/TH team.

Ill pm u ingame when i can

Resto Shaman Main but can play ele. Have a Mage and hunter also level 80. Restodruid/Hpally can be leveled to fill if another heal class is needed.

hop in disc if u can so we can talk

Fury Warrior interested in Sun/Mon team
Hit me TheBugkilla#1641

Contacted a guildie, I am a Disc priest, 8/8 4/8H Nerubar Palace experienced on my DPS(critchicken). Looking to join a weekend raiding guild on my heals. Was heal lead in previous guild on another server. I will contact you in game if you are interested or feel free to hit me up in game when you are available

Heya, sorry guys just seen this. We are currently recruiting again.

Gonna hit that quick bumpity bump. you can also reach out to me for any potential interest in raiding. Unkeptyogi#1144 =)