Guild mergers

Good afternoon!

on Stormrage are looking for any and all guilds that are interested in merging their guilds with us. There are too many startup guilds out their due to bad experiences with previous guilds, drama, leadership issues, cliques…you name it. We welcome anyone that wants to help grow the family. We do a little of everything like most out there (Raid, M+, PvP etc.) but we also are looking for people that want to step up and be a leader or help run/manage things. Share your thoughts and ideas and let us help you bring them to light and have a team to enjoy the things you like in the game as well.

If you do want to merge a guild into ours, the GM and high rank Officers will be given appropriate ranks as well and we can discuss the future. My contact info is below. I hope to hear from you.


Discord: Roadskii#7485
Btag: sgtroeder#1363

In my experience, merging guilds should be a last-ditch effort. They also come with a lot of baggage. Players have different goals and objectives and that can clash when you bring two guilds together. You should just hard recruit people and build up your ranks. You’ll eventually find the right people who will roll with you. I promise.


True, in a lot of cases it doesn’t work out but it has in many others. I have successfully done this quite a few times. The biggest thing is communication and their can’t be any surprises at all. It is a very risky thing but sometimes like anything else, you have to take a leap of faith and take a chance on something that could possibly be good. It works for some and not for others. I am not here trying to force anything on anyone, just a different opportunity to explore.

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Our Schedule is:
9pm-12am EST

our clases are:

-DK BLOOD(2k IO) 8/8H
-PALLY/DH/WARLOCK(ALL SPECS) (2.4, 2.2, 2,6 IO) 8/8H

All mentioned classes are Raid ready

We are looking for a guild to take us all if possible thanks for your time :slight_smile:

BTAG: Liffuvir#1795
DISCORD: Liffuvir#8885