Guild Management Wish List for 11.0.1 Guild Updates

Hey all

Guild Masters and Guild Officers need a lot more info to manage their guilds and all members of a Guild Roster need to be able to group up easily and monitor progress as a guild.
After many years as a GM of a large guild and also as an Addon developer, this is my Wish List for essential improvements to be included in the upcoming Guild Update in WoW Retail 11.0.1

  1. The Officer Note for a guild member needs to be increased to a variable size up to 255 characters.
    It has been a measly 31 chars in size since 2004 and that is not enough space to be useful for an officer note,
    let alone store a lot of critical data that needs to be saved permanently by addons and which needs to be shared easily amongst officers managing the guild.

  2. The Player Note for a guild member needs to be increased to a variable size up to 255 characters.
    It has been a measly 31 chars in size since 2004 and that is not enough space to be useful for a player’s own note,
    let alone store a lot of critical data that needs to be saved permanently by addons and which needs to be shared easily with all guild members.

  3. An Internal note for each guild member of up to 255 characters in size is needed to store a lot of critical data that needs to be saved by addons and shared easily with all guild members.

  4. Extra data fields are needed for each guild member record in the guild roster, as follows:
    a) Guild Join Date timestamp
    b) Name of player that issued the Guild Invite for the guild member (not only for a guild invite via the /ginvite command but also for a guild invite via the Guild Applicant system)
    c) Date of Last Rank Promotion
    d) Date of Last Rank Demotion
    e) Main character name (for Alt-to-Main relationships)
    f) Nickname
    g) Item Level
    h) Total achievement points account-wide
    i) Current Raid Tier Progress
    j) Groups, Roles and Spec’s that the guild member is in groups as
    k) Current Spec
    l) PVP Honor Level
    m) PvP Rating for the current season
    n) Best PvP Rating
    o) Total number of account-wide Mounts
    p) Total number of account-wide Unique Pets
    q) Total number of account-wide Toys
    r) Number of times logged on each month for the past 3 months
    s) Battle.Net tag (for account level tracking of Alts and account-level Ban of main and alts)

  5. Extra data fields at Guild level, as follows:
    a) Guild Admin Note of up to 4047 chars to store against the Guild, for a lot of critical data that needs to be saved permanently by guild officers and addons, which needs to be shareable easily with all guild officers.
    b) Guild Roster Note of up to 4047 chars to store against the Guild, a lot of critical data for a guild that needs to be saved permanently by guild officers and addons, which needs to be shareable easily with all guild members.

  6. Purge old guild applicant history, after 90 days, if they are approved, declined or no action taken. At present all guild applicant records are retained forever in the Guild Applicant History.

  7. Display the full guild applicant note when mouseover the guild applicant’s note, not just a truncated 128 characters of the up to 400 char guild applicant’s note.


You lost me here.

I got lost at a guidless level 10.

Easier way for my alts to join the guild. Look for the guild in the guild finder… some random guild that has nothing to do with what I searched for shows up. Also have had my horde guild show up and that has not been listed for like a year.

Since I am the only member of my guild, I don’t do much with settings and what not.

I do agree that something needs to be done to help guild leaders - in a way that gives more flexibility and options. I know that some guild leaders are just fine with what is there currently (other than the bugs), so it would be great to have the option to flip between “normal” and “advanced” modes, defaulting to “normal”. So if a guild leader is fine with just the very basics, then they have it.

But if they wish to have more control over which ranks are able to do what - for example who can edit/view notes, who can add/edit/remove calendar events, etc, then instead of just “Is Officer” on the “normal” mode, they can flip to advanced settings.

As for the additional roster information - as an example, in an email programme, you’ll have a set number of possible information to show - we should be able to do that. So yes, in a PVP-oriented guild, they could select the PVP-related bits and deselect non-relevant bits; in a raiding guild you could show the boss kills (with guild?), ilevel, etc. There’s loads of possibilities here as this information is already available, the UI just needs to be reworked to allow that information to show. Or just use the roster drop downs (where you go to professions, etc now) to show that information. Or use a guild-vault method where you have tabs at the side which are viewable or not depending on rank or some other selection, giving roster information for PvP/Raids/Achievements, etc.

I’m not sure I agree about the tag being viewable, however, that information certainly could be used on the back end in order to tag characters in some way to show they all belong to the same account - but only those characters in the guild itself.

One of the main problems I find, managing a guild with lots of members who have lots of alts, is it is very difficult sometimes to work out who is who. Yes there are addons available to help with this, if you put the work in to maintain it, but it would be great to be able to hover over a character in the guild roster and for it to give a pop-up showing “other characters in the guild”.

I think the number of notes fields suggested here may be excessive (mainly because, if I’m given more space to type stuff … I’ll fill it (this post a case in point!)) but certainly an additional one over and above the public and officer note … I mean if we have one for everyone, and one for the officers, why not one for the GM/Admin? For example we currently use public notes to type in when they’re an alt. So basically that’s full and useless for anything else. We currently use officer notes for join dates. So that’s then full and useless for anything else. We could do with one that gives information useful for whatever your guild’s focus is … so for example ours might be any role preference for raids, or if they’re going to be away from the game for a while, or if they’ve been flagged as a potential problem.

As far as the guild finder stuff goes … agree with all of that and more.

My problems with this interface, other than the fact that the final two columns are “merged” at the top, so there is no way to actually sort the final column, are that if you accept an applicant, but they don’t join, or you change you mind, there is no way to recind that acceptance. And it never expires. So if they keep that invite on that character, and 6 months later decide to accept it … you have no idea who they are. Or if it was one of their alts, and they did something that resulted in them getting kicked - they could still join on that alt; and that you can’t read the full text.

I made a post a while back that mentioned some of this … I’ll link it here, and then link your post to the end of mine, so there’s some connection between them and the Community Council post about guilds.

Fix my guild rank permissions.

We’ve only been asking for YEARS. :rage:

The website for you is wowaudit. It tracks a lot of this info.

Some of the stuff that you want tracked is a bit much… like “number of times logged in past 3 months”. Sounds like a good way to see if someone is “sneaking online” or just wants quiet time to play.

I get wanting to track people’s alts, but the guild interface should tell you who the alts are and let the person keep their privacy. Someone doesn’t want to share their bnet info, they shouldn’t have to.

As the author of Guild Roster Manager addon, let’s just say I am full behind all of this! Awesome post! Maybe I don’t need everything here, but definitely a lot of good things.