Guild Kleptocracy [A] Stormrage LFM

Hey all, K L E P T O C R A C Y is looking for any and all active players to join us.

We’re a newly established Alliance guild on Stormrage, and we’re looking to build an active community for anyone who’d like to join.

That said,

we’re looking to start a casual raid team for future patches/updates and are in need of solid players to get us up and running. (HEALER/DPS Slots are open and need to be filled )

We also have a few people who’ve expressed interest in wanting to make guild based M+ groups so they don’t have to deal with PUGs wrecking keys.

We have multiple 2600+ .io players and plenty of others with varying levels of experience, so if this is more to your liking, we’d love to have you.

Additionally, we are seeking trustworthy individuals to help us achieve our goals.

Officer recruitment is open! If you feel like you’d be interested in becoming an officer please don’t hesitate to message us!

Our officer core is a very friendly group of people and we’re all close friends, so if you have any questions feel free to reach out and ask us any questions you might have. (I’ll include their Btag below)


The raid time has been set for Fridays at 9 PM EST. Raid will go for approximately 2 hours.

If you think this would be a good time for you, and you want to raid in a chill/casual atmosphere, send myself or one of the officers listed below a message. We’re usually pretty good about responding in a prompt manner, and one of us should get back to you pretty quickly.

Guild Master: Goose#1913
Raid Lead: Natoor#11652
Officer: GoodanHumble#1260
Officer: MzzDz#1821

Hey guys! We’re still looking for more players, if you’re interested hit us up!

To the Top!

Still looking for solid healers and DPS for raid!

Bump! to the top!