Guild help

Ummm, I think I need some help. I need some help on finding a guild or a community or friends to play with. I keep joining guilds or communities and no one is ever around to talk or I’m the only one online or people are distant or hostile. Does anyone have any tips on how to join a good active guild or community that you can do things with?

I wish I could offer better advice, but all the good guilds I’ve been part of have been complete accidents, including this one my priest is in (tho I’m not very active, the people there are amazing). People in active guilds talk daily, make events, and are very friendly. Some people move characters just for guilds, but of course it’s hard for you to know when that is the case.

I have a buddy on a horde Moon Guard guild. Is that your server? I can ask him for some advice for Moon Guard and maybe bring you on board if he’s content with the guild.

Let me know if that’s okay with you I’ll get back to you.

Hey, sorry this is Lilidoria. I’m on Alliance Kil’jaeden.

I do not know anybody from Kil’jaeden so I cannot help you there.

I hope someone can come in with better advice since mine comes from luck. I just kept jumping from guild to guild until I get into a good one with social people. I’ve noticed guilds with active discord tend to be more social, but that’s anecdotal. On my alliance toon I was randomly invited in and it turned out to be a bomb toon.

I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful :confused:

Do you have any advice on how to pick a good realm?

Really the only thing you can do is to keep joining guilds until you find one that fits. It can be a long process, but here are a few places to start.

Sticked at the top of this forum is a thread dedicated to guilds that are new player friendly. The thread is a few years old now so some of the guilds may no longer be active, but if you scroll through, I’m sure you’ll find a couple on your realm. Or if one sounds good on another realm, it might be worth reaching out to see if they’ll be a good fit for you

Another place to search will be your realm forums. It’s possible that something might catch your eye there.

If you’re looking in the in game guild finder tool, I’d suggest searching for guilds that advertise as leveling or social guilds. These will generally have a more laid back atmosphere and be more perceptive to new player’s needs.

The best advice I can offer though is to just keep searching. If you join a guild and it’s not what you were hoping or thinking it would be, just /gquit and try another one. As I said at the beginning, it can be a bit of a process to find the right one for you. Best of luck!