The general purpose is to create a point in the game where a guild dungeon could be crafted. Completing certain achievements or bosses can unlock certain boss mechanics or hazards you’ll use to set traps in your own guild dungeons, and use an interface to craft your own dungeon with various rooms and architecture.
When the guild is meeting in the guild hall, it is a chill place to hang out, and various trophies where guild members are credited with various victories.
Dungeon map interface: A simple 3D mechanic, the guild leader can craft the dungeon itself in a 3D design, using rooms and architecture bases to fabricate their own dungeon! An instanced zone with rooms, traps, NPC mobs, and bosses! The dungeon map must consist of a minimum of an entrance room, and a final boss room! Other rooms can be added later, but will overwrite previous incarnations.
NPC “trash” mobs will be titled as “prospects” or “Security”, or be given faction and racial guard identifiers. So Orc NPC mobs in your guild hall will be known as either Grunts, Peons, Blademasters, etc…
Trap deployment: Depending on what bosses you’ve cleared in your exploits, you’ll unlock various traps to use! So if you want to set a long narrow choke point with falling ice and a constant rush of enemy elementals or swarming mobs, you’ll need to do dungeons like the trio of Icecrown 5-mans, and the Tempest Keep 5-mans. Completing various dungeons will unlock the various traps you’ll get to employ in your own guild-run dungeons!
PVP mode: Players can become the boss versions of their avatars, gaining the “Boss boost” buff, and a selection of various abilities selected for the boss mode. These features are often by default, but customizable!
- Example:
Class: Rogue(Subtlety)
Main abilities
Ability 1: Shadow Strike
Ability 2: Evasion
Ability 3: Crimson Vial
Ability 4: Eviscerate
Ability 5: Kidney Shot
Ability 6: Vanish
Ability 1: Vendetta
Ability 2: Cheap Shot
Ability 3: Death From Above
Ability 4: Blind
Ability 5: Smoke Bomb
Ability 6: Crimson Vial
- Example 2:
Class: Priest(Discipline)
Ability 1: Smite
Ability 2: Heal
Ability 3: Psychic Scream
Ability 4: Power Word Shield
Ability 5: Shadow Word Pain
Ability 6: Mind Control
Depending on your class, you can use what is baseline available to your class, and some talents when in boss mode. You’ll be restricted to using only 6 spells/abilities. You can set certain conditions to trigger as well, such as setting foot on certain areas to set off boss room traps like NPC spawns to assist you, or to activate traps to force the relocation of attackers.
The PVE mode will alert you to someone challenging your guild, and you can observe if someone can reach the final treasure.
In PVP mode, you control the bosses and can trigger traps and swarms, even the unleashing of mini-boss enemies to hinder progress for your foes!
Rewards will be granted to both sides of the run. The people entering the dungeon will be rewarded in a way similar to mythic run rewarding. Complete the dungeon within a time limit, and you’ll be applicable for rewards custom created by the guild! Fail, and the guild is rewarded with guild hall upgrade tokens which can be exchanged for gold.
Understanding previously reached prior: Yes I know there will be the risk of players exploiting the system to get heaps of gold, the gold will be in relation to how many members are active in your guild. And the gold you exchange guild hall upgrade tokens for will go directly into your guild vault! Your guild vault will decide the overall reward of currency in your guild hall dungeon! Meaning your guild vault says how much total gold a dungeon group will claim upon completion of your dungeon. Players who remain idle in a dungeon just to run out the clock and not engage in combat will alert swarming mobs to your location, of which the longer you’re idle, the greater the threat becomes. Encouraging players to complete the dungeon if they entered it for loot.
Guild members can create custom loot for their dungeon, including mount and pet rewards with the guild’s color scheme.
Example: I have Zeradar. Players who run the Flying Raptors dungeon and complete it within the time limit can receive a “FLYING RAPTORS Initiated Zeradar”, which will basically be a Zeradar pet with the Flying Raptors guild emblem worn on the pet’s back.
Guild dungeon reward creation:
Mount: The members of the guild will be rewarded with the exclusive guild mounts, a variation of 2 mounts available(Ground and Flying mounts). Options like colors, guild banner, and optional saddle + armor options. Guild mounts will be adorned in armor themed after the guild. Make it as colorful, tacky, gaudy, or stylish as you like!
Guild toys: Guild members will get these upon logging in, and are account wide, however those running through the dungeon will have to earn these! Ranging from banners worn on the back, to a toy that changes you to look like certain members who are bosses.
Pet: The guild can create pets to serve as rewards for besting certain guild member bosses. This includes things like pet abilities being changed to fit the guild’s theme, and colored to match the guild. Even having a child from that guild’s faction follow you around!
Companion: FLYING RAPTORS Gruntling
“I heard Bloodraptor is actually a Sunstrider, and he doesn’t take the throne because he wants to redeem his family name before then!”
“Did you know Bloodraptor can out-swim a Tortollan! My big sister said she saw him do it!”
“I hope Bloodraptor kills you so he can sign your skull for me! I’ll cherish it always!”
“I heard Bloodraptor is a master of skinning and leatherworking, and can turn even your hide into a suit! Imagine him wearing a suit of your skin!”
“I heard Bloodraptor made an attempted assassin flee just by laughing! LAUGHING! Even the Laughing Skull clan is afraid of his laugh!”
“I heard Bloodraptor wrestled Deathwing out of the sky with his bare hands, and powerbombed him through an airship! I wish I could have seen that!”
Just for some chuckles.