Guild found

Hello all. I’m looking for an AOTC guild or a guild that dabbles in mythic. I am available every day but can raid no later than 11pm EST Sun-Thurs. Fri/Sat I can raid any time. I recently got a new job with chill hours and I’m planning to go hard in TWW. I got AOTC in S1 and S3 but because of my previous job(lots of travel) I had to keep things casual and didn’t get to play much. I’ve been tanking since TBC, definitely my favorite role, but I can play DPS on occasion when the need arises, just don’t expect me to get purple parses :smiley:

I’m a WoW vet with (almost) 20 years of raiding experience, including raid leading Mythic through multiple expansions(WOD->BFA). Usually just clearing the first half of the raid. I like to be challenged and I like to push myself. I guess mainly I’m looking for some friends to play with for the long term. It would be great if at least some members of the guild liked M+ and did it for more than just unlocking some vault slots, as I plan to focus heavily on keys in TWW. I’m very reliable, as all tanks should be, and should be at every raid unless I lose internet during a storm or something.

Hi Gravepalm,
Not sure how deep into Mythic you want to dabble but we are looking for a DK tank or DPS tank for our group. We usually move heroic clears to Wednesdays each week for those who are more casual. Feel free to check us out below and if interested give us a poke. Good luck regardless!

1 tank
Trial run Tuesdays, 9-11pm eastern (8-10pm central). Let’s GO!

About our Raid Team:
AOTC every season with solid players that have class flexibility. Leader and others have Mythic raiding background.
Tue Wed 8-10pm CDT (9-11pm eastern). S4 Heroic Awakened raids on farm, still clearing on Tuesdays for alts, trials and fun.

People can join any guild on any realm in the upcoming TWW xpac. No server transfers necessary. (Wowhead Nov, 2023)

Guild Information: Horde cross faction
The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large 13 yr old FUN, non-toxic, no drama, player friendly guild.
Casual raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CDT open to all guildies.
Remix raids open to all guildies.
RBGs scheduled 4 nights a week and RBG push team 2 nights a week.
Mythic Mondays, M+ in guild chat every day, weekly old content runs, parties, raffles, mog contests, old school fun things!
Come see us. Make a toon on our realm, join the guild, see what you think.
We love people! Everyone is welcome. We are The Dignified!

BNET: Death#12773
Discord: olrazzledazl
BNET: Stormy#1445