(Guild Found) Returning Casual Player LF Guild

Hi everyone, it has been a long time since I have wanted to look for a guild and I am not sure how this will go, but I will do my best. I came back to WoW in the last few weeks after quitting during Shadowlands, and after hearing about some of the good changes that came with The War Within, like the Alt leveling experience, Warbands, Cross-realm and Cross-faction guilds, etc.

Originally I had my main (and whatever alts I had left) on a US server and in a guild that is now so small that it was lucky to have one or two members on at any one time (besides myself) during the day, and nobody online at night. This is where I decided to have a fresh start and shift my main over to Oceanic (on the Nagrand server) for a few reasons: To connect with more players in my region, a lower ping, and to just have people online throughout the day to say hi to.

I am interested in looking for a guild that accepts casual players, whether they are a raiding guild or not I just dont want to be forced into the endgame content if I am not ready for it. However, I am interested in the future possibility of doing some of that. Casual play does come first for me right now, as it has been 4 years since I last played regularly.

To finish up, a few things about me and what to expect: I am from Sydney, first played WoW during the tail end of Vanilla through to Shadowlands with small breaks. Currently level 70 without The War Within for the moment (will buy it in the next month or so probably). I am also a somewhat shy autistic person, so I may have regular moments where I miss chat or get quiet during voice chats if there are lots of people on and/or talking at once, though I want to minimise that if I can.

I apologise for the large post, sometimes I overshare without realising it. If you were able to read the whole thing, thank you for taking the time to!

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Hi Foxfoe and welcome back to the Oceanic Community. We would happily accept you into our community at Eternal Sunshine. We are a mixed bunch of new players, returning players and veterans who just wanted a less stressful and enjoyable gaming experience. We have a couple of people who are also in the neurodiverse community as well :slight_smile: We are a pretty new guild (est Sept this year) but we are growing as word gets out how chill our raids and community is :slight_smile:

I have linked our recruitment post in case you wanted to know more about us :slight_smile: we look forward to speaking to you more.

Link to recruitment post is here