Guild for new/returning players

I’ve been playing off and on for the last few expansions very casually and generally solo for the most part. I’m thinking of starting a guild for new/returning players, or people who have been too nervous to raid and do mythic plus because they don’t want to be judged or mocked for being bad. If you would be interested in joining me on something like this let me know and I’ll start it up so we can start building a community where everyone can feel comfortable. My bnet is Jaymon#11212

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We have about 10 people now, come join us if you are looking for a home?

Hey hows it goin, liking the sound of this.

Im fairly similar, been on and off casually for a while now, generally solo. Not sure if Im all in on playing for a long time but would be cool to have a small group of peeps to chill with. Should I reach out to your bnet or ingame? Thinking of rolling ret pally, have a war maxed but since I only played him at DF launch wanted to start over on the pally as the main. Hope to chat with ya soon.

Hi there! You can apply in game or add me on bnet! We’d love to have you join us!

We’ve been a guild for a little over a week now. It’s going pretty well. We have about 15 people with us now! We have a lot of people new to dungeons and raids and a lot of people learning the game in general.

We welcome anyone that is looking for a guild where they can learn in a relaxed environment and make some friends. It doesnt matter if you have no experience, have bad dps, social anxiety or scared to mess up. Everyone here is patient amd willing to help out. Come join us, we’d love to have you!

Your guild sounds like what I’m looking for in a guild. What times is your guild most active?

Well we are fairly new, only about a week old. Seems like 4pm to 11pm as of now, but that could change depending on the people that join in the near future. What time are you most active?

Your times line up pretty well with mine. I’m usually on about 7 to 10:30. I’ll try and get in touch with someone tonight or just put an app in guild finder

Sounds great!

awesome just applied! Look for Traeyus - Paladin :smiley: (oop forgot I switched to a diff character, this is treyus from the first reply haha)

Awesome, looking forward to playing with you!

What is the name of the guild? It hasn’t been mentioned and there’s two characters recruiting here that each belong to a diff guild.

It’s The Golden Army. Zaiki is a classic toon. I’m not sure who it belongs to. You should join and check us out. It is a really nice guild

Looking for more like minded people to join us. Guild is

Just curious what your raid nights will be? Been playing for quite a while and and looking for a change of pace.