According to patch notes, the guild finder should’ve had an overhaul and now also have a community finder feature. However, neither appears on any of my characters (including those without guilds). Any updates as to when this will be implemented?
Guild finder gone for me as well and I’m not in any guilds.
To top it off, they also removed the guild recruitment button so, even if you could apply to a guild, there is no way to see your application and no way to invite you.
I’m having the same issue. Unable to join a guild due to the “Guild Finder” option gone.I read through a couple of other threads and it looks like it’s happening to a lot of people. I hope they fix this soon because I was really looking forward to joining a Guild finally on one of my toons a dedicating to one.
I actually just came to the bug report forum to post about this (i did, not seeing that there was this post already). I wanted to search for a guild for my void elf levelling only to also find there’s no guild search available to me either. went to my main on another server and it is gone there too. odd. hope this gets resolved soon
Same here - guild finder gone so cannot look at applications to my guild - they are sitting in limbo as I know we had some applicants right before 8.2.5
I also could not find this feature. It it highly disappointing that there has been no word on this, or the supposed future overhaul.
Just Xfered to a new Server, and now I cant even apply to a guild…
Oh good it’s not just me this is happening to! Annoying issue.
I hope someone at Blizz is working on this. As a GM it’s seriously annoying me that I cannot see the list of people interested in joining the guild.
A friend and I just quit our guild 3 days ago, and now we have no way to search for a new guild as all we can see in the Guild interface is Join a Community. No way to search for guilds or apply. I wasn’t sure if this was a bug or a new “feature”, but it’s extremely aggravating as the reason we quit the guild was that it was dead and we wanted to find an active guild.
Now I think I understand why I didn’t get any guild invite or anything since I’ve restarted playing WoW, I remembered there was a tool to search for guilds but mass spamming my keyboard to find it got me nothing, so its a very very annoying bug
Any Game Master that could report if this is a bug or part of the latest patch changes
Probably everyone found it but just type /gf to open the guild finder again, just wish we could search with words and not have to scroll infinitely to find the guild we want to join.
That doesn’t work for me, it brings up a screen that talks about guilds but gives no information on how to go about finding one.
Yeah it doesn’t work for me either. Shift+J and /gf just bring up the window explaining guilds but doesn’t actually open the guild finder. Is it removed or something?
I’m a returning player, I’m shocked that this has been going on since September. I am having trouble just finding a guild to chill in. No one seems to talk in general chat anymore and trade is dead too. I got one invite but there were only a few members so I quit, now I’m guildless and having to awkwardly spam general chat for guilds.
On the PTR for patch 8.2 and 8.2.5 (I think) there was a tentative version of the guild finder posted but no patch notes covering it. From what I can surmise from posts on YouTube is that behind the scenes Blizzard is working out the bugs prior to launch of a new guild finder that will feature lots of filters and a search option for both recruiting guilds and those who are looking to join a guild.
Apparently Blizzard has finally realized that what they originally created wasn’t the tool that people want or need. I returned to WoW, a little over a month ago now and I thought I was just being really stupid in not being able to find the thing. I thought for sure that I was missing something so obvious that it must be hidden in plain sight. But try as I might I just couldn’t figure it out. And so my online hunt began about a week ago and here we are today.
I suspect that it will go live with patch 8.3 give or take a bit depending on when they deem it finally ready to launch. I have a guild as it’s sole member right now that once upon a time was a raiding guild. So I’m definitely looking forward to the new and improved version that’s sure to launch, as Blizzard likes to say…“Soon”
What realm are you on ?
This thread is nearly a year old.