Guild Dungeon Runs not being counted when completed

Good Evening Team,

/Last Wednesday on 1/27/2021 we were doing guild dungeon runs. We were running current shadowlands dungeon on normal difficulty. All five members of the group were guild members. It was a full guild group. After running and completing five dungeons I noticed none of them counted on the guild achievements for the week and would not give any guild funds.

I placed a ticket with the GM’s and they requested for me to put it here as well for further assistance. I would like to request for this to be further looked into and see if there is an issue in where guild groups are not receiving guild funds for completion of dungeons.

I am having the same issue. Ever since pre-patch dropped, my guild has done many many dungeons groups together. We would have a full set of 5 guild group, and the symbol would pop up that the dungeon will count for the guild, and half the time, it doesn’t count. Tonight alone, we had a group of 5 and the dungeons didn’t count. We were doing Shadowlands Normal Dungeons, which are current content, and out of the three dungeons we did, only two of them counted. Killig my guild bank lol.

Do normal dungeons still count?