Guild Dethrone - Option

I think the Dethrone function is fine. If you, a guild leader, ditch a whole bunch of people for months or years without demoting or kicking them, you deserve to lose your guild.

However, what I don’t agree with is Blizzard not sending the person getting dethroned an email. Something like… “you have 5 days to log on or you will lose your guild” would suffice.


lol I keep even my highest officers at rank 4 now to ensure that I can’t be dethroned ever.


For a social guild or bank alt guild or what not, it makes sense. But I’ve been in a raiding guild before where the guild leader literally decided to take off for the summer on us and the officers couldn’t give anybody the boot or anything. Literally forcing us having to reform.

There needs to be something better than what we have.


My officers have the right to kick people, the GM can edit that if he/she wants to. If you don’t like the restrictions your GM has placed, make a new guild.


It seems that you want the dethrone option revised so you can more quickly regain your guild. It won’t happen, and I would say the best thing anyone in this situation can do is just start another one. Many threads about dethroning have risen recently (and are hopefully a sign people are trying wow a gain), and the best thing you can do is make another guild, as the thing that makes a guild are the people in it :heart:


What would you define “active” exactly ?? i could just stay afk all day and dethrone the lead or i just do more content than the lead and dethrone him again…

This would only mean that the leader has to be more active than everybody in the guild all the time. Sounds like a huge burden for regulars guild leaders


This is basically the key issue with guilds. We got one group of people who view it as themselves owning the guild and another group that see it as the members of the guild who make up the guild.

There needs to be a balance between the two as currently, a guild leader can just keep everyone below a certain rank and can disappear as they please without losing the guild name, guild bank, etc. Which can be quite lame if the members have put in such an effort to make a guild into what it is.

So really, it needs to be a system more along the lines of if an X number of people are active while the guild leader isn’t active in Y months, then can dethrone the guild leader. Which was the entire purpose behind the function being implemented, an active guild losing their leader for one reason or another.

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Well democracy is not the most perfect system


I have mixed feelings about it.

if the guild leader doesn’t set permissions properly the guild will just die but a good guild lead will have things set up so recruitment can still take place or pruning. it can still lead to stagnation though if all the top officers quit and no one can recruit or promote higher.

its definitely better for bank alts if you share banks with people you can keep them all at rank 4 and never lose the guild.

In your situation it is probably just better to move on and start fresh.
Not sure the recruitment situation on whatever server you are on but when a guild dies like that you are basically starting from scratch anyway and everyone who remembers the good times have logged off anyway.

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Good news: There’s some hope in this case! With dethroning, there’s a special circumstance that’s not well known about.

As long as the former guild leader is 1) still in the guild and 2) the guild member that dethroned him/her is now inactive, Bliz usually is able to help.


where are you getting this info from?

Continuing the discussion from Spotlight On - Guild Management and Security:

…because if what you’re claiming is the case, they really should make it more transparent.

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Assuming it’s still true (from last march):

It was a surprise to those in that thread when Vrak mentioned it.

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A GM or a GM?

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I don’t like that idea because people would just have to kick everyone from the guild in order to protect their ownership if they decided to take a break. Now they can just not put anyone in those ranks.

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yeah i’ve never heard of it.

it’s kind of disgusting that we’re repeatedly told “this is the policy, GMs are hands off”… when that’s not the case.

Plenty of people who dethrone, (myself included) will demote ex-guild leaders, but not remove them from the guild due to being told that this can’t happen.

I guess it’s time to go initiate some g-kicks.

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Vrak elaborated a little more further down. Looks like some details aren’t overtly advertised to keep abuse down.

I’m reading into Vrak’s explanation a bit, but it sounds like as long as the dethroner is at least somewhat active (didn’t just dethrone and go inactive), they should be safe. I suspect that’s why he orginally worded is as “While I can’t guarantee that we will if those conditions are met, we will take a look.”

Either way, it’s one of those definitely worth asking situations.

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I have my doubts it would be possible in this circumstance. OP has implied that he was absent for over a decade.

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Very true.

I figured I’d throw it out there for informational purposes as well. :slight_smile:

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Thank you all who responded! Sadly, the case - as I suspected - can’t be helped. Apparently, the GM told me that if my character WAS the creator, their logs don’t go back that far (which, I suppose I can believe… the guild was formed when WoW first came out… like on Day 3). So I have accepted that I will not get my guild leadership (or even Guild Officer) status restored. I did send an in-game message to the current leader explaining that I have come out of retirement and would love the title (or at the very least Officer status) again… but they’ve been off for 4 months, so there’s perhaps a very good chance that they won’t log back in… and if they do, since I departed shortly after Lich King, may not even know who I am (since their name doesn’t sound familiar to me; and the guild was pretty much a friend invite friends kind of thing). So they’re probably connected via seven degrees of Kevin Bacon kind of thing.

Again, thank you all for the replies and feedback. All greatly appreciated!

Time to find a new guild. Blizzard has options in place for abandoned guilds, but if you’re not an officer, you don’t get that option. Find a new one or start a new one.