GUILD desires discuss

I will be rolling Alliance Arms Warrior… going to be looking for (hopefully) a BIG, CLOSE-knit bunch of guildies to play with!
Anybody else?

Discord desired

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Not really. I’ll pug majority this time around. I’ll prob just use Classic as content filler.

I’ll be starting a Guild with a big group of online gaming friends… We aren’t ready to start recruiting yet. I’m retired, so I have plenty of time to run the guild. Right now most of us are playing Destiny 2. We schedule events and Raids in Destiny 2, and we will do the same for Classic, there are no clicks in our group. We post events, you sign up for the events you qualify for, and then you have a spot. If you hop in our Discord you can see our #events channel, which is how we run Raids and everything else.

[Malicious Moogles] will be our Guild name. [Alliance PVP]

Feel free to join our Discord server if you like. I’m online most of the day.
Give me your Battletag and I’ll send you the Discord link.

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I object! Moogles know no malice!


Haha, Yeah, I carried that over from our old Final Fantasy Free Company : ) That’s our Destiny 2 clan too : )

not much to do endgame without raiding

Sure there is a can just do dungeons, and can go around and explore the old world, I can pvp. I’ll most likely to spending most of my time going between both classic and retail anyways.

We should buy 10 year old mics and use an old version of teamspeak…

All jokes aside I’m looking for a guild that raids/dung/pvp, but I’m not 14 like I once was in vanilla. Have a family now and work full-time so I need some flexibility late night raids better I guess for me.

I am looking for Maturity this time around. I don’t want to see dank memes in G chat, or people Spamming racial slurs, harassing people in trade chat. I’m going to be 30 this year and I just cant tolerate this stuff anymore. As the poster above said, I’m not 15 any more, I have crap to do and no time for guilding with kids.

i have a mature guiild on live, but i want to be maybe an officer or something of a mature guild; probably alliance.

Sup bud if you want check this out. I recently joined this Alliance PVP guild ( yes we are going against the grain, taking it to the Horde)

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Im looking at creating a Oceanic based Horde guild, havnt seen any around yet. Have a quite a few players interested, might wait a little longer before i pull the guild forum post trigger.


Id be quite interested in this! Can i add you ?

Im looking for people who want to play more than the average. And who know they want to play for a long time to come. Besides this twink, I opened the first AQ gates on private servers, and never really stopped playing classic.

Just started recruiting for a new guild. Looking for more new leadership and raiders.
Classicwowlifers . Com

830pm EST, Tues/Wed

Hey Oceanic brethren come join a large group of us who are part of this discord.
It’s a community angled towards the Aus/Nz regions and hope that people have a close to home source for information and finding friends for the up coming classic servers.

Me personally I’ll be rolling Horde on a PvP server, UD priest. I was looking at making my own guild but with lack of time I’ll be better suited to being the priest officer of the guild.
I done the whole hardcore raiding back in OG vanilla, check this toon out. I’ll be dialling it back abit taking it easier.
Get in touch with me Hornyswoggle

Id be interested in any Oceanic Horde guild that will be doing a mix of Raiding and PvP.

I do not have it in me right now to GM my own guild, however I wouldnt mind being an Officer in a mature group and to Co-Lead on raids. Back in Vanilla i was a raid leader for the Zul Gurub runs and Im familiar with the rest of the content. I did a lot of raid leading in AoC as well and I’d be keen to help out.

The one sticking point I will have is whatever guild I run with is going to have to be open to hybrids and allowing people who choose to play an off-spec as their Main to acquire gear.

I myself will likely roll a Prot Warrior (will either be this or a Warlock)

Hey mate would love to chat with you also :slight_smile:

Luckily, leveling from 1 to 60 can take upwards of 25 days played depending on how chill you take it.

Hey blackhart, that’s what I’m looking for also, allow afew off specs ect as long as people willing to heal. Can’t have a raid full of feral, shadow and enhancement shamans lol.
If the raid has afew enhancement or feral, so be it, that’ll help the Rogues and warriors