Guild Creation - signatures and cost?

Does anyone remember how many signatures are needed for guild creation in Vanilla? I know it was way more than the 5 required in Retail. I can’t remember, other than the fact it was a royal pain trying to get enough to create a guild, especially with no gold to entice people.

It says it is ten signatures total.

https:// classic. wowhead . com/item=5863/guild-charter

10 signatures. Was it 10g for the charter? Can’t remember. That seems steep. :joy_cat:But you needed 10 unique player signatures.

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it was 9 signatures for guild charter and cost was 10gold.

The above responses are INCORRECT who knows at this point.

Edit: don’t listen to me. Trust No One. :alien: The Truth is Out There.

It cost 10 silver to charter a guild. You needed to get 4 signatures. 9 sources apparently are disagreeing… 4 according to the link below.

A guild tabard DESIGN cost 10g

Edit: Bad Source Redacted :puke:

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9 plus the original charter purchaser being the original, so most of us remember it as 10. (It was into TBC, I think, that they reduced it to 5 - charter buyer + 4.)

It’s 10, but I guess 9 if you want to be pedantic. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You will find out soon enough. Your own signature isn’t counted as a requirement but of course YOU must the sign the charter FIRST. Cost WAS 10 gold back in 2004
and when I created ‘Not Forgotten’ it was 10 gold in 2006.

10 silver for guild charter. You need 9 signatures.

Regis, that is my final answer.