Don’t see anything from blizzard cs or anywhere here but guild and guild chat isn’t working atm.
Any ideas or anyone else getting this issue?
Don’t see anything from blizzard cs or anywhere here but guild and guild chat isn’t working atm.
Any ideas or anyone else getting this issue?
Yeah what gives? Who am i going to complain about random stuff to if theres no one to see it!
I’m seeing this too - no guild chat.
Any word on a fix or reset?
So this particular forum is one for players to assist other players. There are no GMs (who don’t fix bugs), nor are there any Devs (who do fix bugs). Our SFAs are limited to this forum for the most part. They cannot fix these issues.
So what you’ll need to do is post over on the Bug Report forum. It must not be that widespread, I actually didn’t see any thread up for this issue as of the time of me writing this, only you guys in this thread. If it’s not reported properly, no one knows it’s even an issue, so no. There is no word on a fix or reset at this time.
But what you can also try in the meantime, after either moving this thread there or posting a new one (because no staff at all will see this here in Customer Support, again save for our SFAs), is do a full and proper UI reset. It may be an add-on you all are using that is borking things up.
Well, QA and the Devs do not collect reports made here. Post on Bug Reports. Have you tried the UI reset?
This character’s level is meaningless. If it makes you feel better I’ve got a hefty roster of max levels that are kitted out and all of that, but this is the toon with the posting history that I prefer to use.
What I told you was truth, regardless of you liking what I had to say. I’m not sure why the sharp turn into vitriol when all I did was try and get you pointed in the right direction so that you and others actually got your issue looked into, rather than your post collecting dust here without the Devs even aware of the issue. And the UI reset, that will be the first thing any staff member will tell you to do, so it was provided in hopes it would resolve the issue, or at least knock it out of the way if/when the issue gets escalated.
I do wish you all the best in getting your guild chat back.
Well this is day THREE of this being broken and i see there are posts on the actual bugs section of the forum about a lot more people having this problem and STILL no response from ANYONE at blizz
Have you completed the UI reset that Leilleath linked?
If it is still happening with a stock UI then I would just add a bug report to that forum or submit one in-game. It looks like some people in that bug report thread have done a UI reset and had it not help, so you might just be waiting on blizz.
Mine disappeared today. Nothing I do brings it back, but it is working for others.
Same thing still, it’s not addons or UI resets and will fix it, it’s on blizzard’s end and no one has a clear definitive answer. We have tried EVERYTHING, now give us an indication it is at least being looked at please.
Same issue. Even happens on the mobile app for all of my characters.
just to add to this. Full UI reset, cvar_default did not fix it. I even tried a full uninstall/reinstall. It comes and goes randomly each time I exit/enter the game with it not working most of those times. When it doesn’t work, hovering over the guild finder button shows “unavialable” in red text in the tooltip. When it happens, it affects all toons on various servers. It’s a very odd issue.
Hi Folks,
I would like to share what worked for me:
I know this might not work for everyone, but it may be worth a try as it worked for me.
method worked for me thank you
I tried it and it didnt work still broken.
Still randomly not working for me on Sept 5th. Happens on all chars. Sometimes quitting the game entirely and quitting client and then re-logging in from there helps, sometimes not.
Yeah it broke for me again too
Why do the forum people keep removing posts about something that is broken in the game. Sent it to the right people so it can at least be seen please!
Still not working