Guild chat bugged

Hello, i have a problem with my hunter. It only occurs with this specific character.
I can’t talk with my guild or even see it when i open guild & communities tab, but if i use /groster command i can see that i am in the guild and members online.
As i said it only occurs with my hunter, with my other character that is in the same guild i have 0 problems


Same here. I open the guild tab “j” and there’s nothing there and I can’t see guild chat.

Hey I thought I was alone here. Thanks so much for posting this. It’s happening to me as well! Just on my hunter.

Ya its still bugged. Going on second day for me.

Same thing is happening to me. I can’t see the guild in the Guild and Communities tab, but my on-screen tag shows I’m in the guild, I see the guild MOTD pop up, when I complete a quest I see I’ve earned guild rep, but I can’t see any guild messages.

I also /gquit, and then got reinvited. For that online period I could see the guild info, but logged off and ::poof:: it was wonky again.

I’ve got a ticket submitted, but it appears there is going to be a deeper problem in the software. We may be having to endure this for a while.

Exact thing for myself and quite a few others in my guild.

It’s NOT just Chat, but Guild UI missing as well. My only toons NOT affected by this bug are my Hunters. The bug takes place whenever I join a guild on an alt character, log off, then log back onto that same alt. My alt’s character portrait and nameplate still show the character is still IN the guild, but when I press “J” key on keyboard, the guild UI is missing entirely. I want to show screenshots here, but don’t know how. This would help all of us, if I could show the problem at its source.


Came to report this as well. Kel’Thuzad server.

im having same issue push j and it acts as if i have no guild

Same issue

Same issue… going on Day #3 soon.

I had guild master kick me and re-invite me. It worked for the time I was on that toon. As soon as I logged off and got back on a bit later, unable to see /g or any guild members.

I have not changed anything in my account, pc/system, addons, or character.

I am having this issue along with other guild issues

Same here. Only affecting a couple of characters. Very annoying.

I am currently having the same issue. I just did a faction change. I don’t know if this is currently a random bug, or a bug based off that. Any one have any fix ideas? I’ve tried reload, scan and repair game, deleting my WTF folder. It seems it may be an issue that’s not local. I also have it fixed with re joining the guild. It isn’t this toon its my main.

having the same issue i even reinstalled my client n loaded without addons n still does same thing on 2 of my toons

Try disabling add-ons and re-load WoW. Seem to Worked for me. Have not had a problem since and I have not re-loaded my add-on yet. Waiting to see if it happen again.

Blizz keep firing your people so these problems keep happening. totally worth 15 bucks a month.

Having the same issues since this morning, 2 alts just joined guild last night, everything’s fine, this morning when opening the Community tab the guild is not there anymore, cannot type in guild chat, but have access to guild bank and /guildroster. Logged onto my main and my alts are still appearing in the guild roster.

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I’ve been having this issue on ALL new characters I make, regardless of Realm Selection, Race, Class, Faction, or Character Level. I’ve tried EVERYTHING! I’ve had this issue since Thursday! My only characters that are NOT affected by this bug, are my Blood Elf and Void Elf Hunters, on the Moonrunner Realm. All future characters I have made since then, have all been affected by this bug, so I couldn’t keep infected characters. I’ve tried doing the /resetchat and /reload ui command, I’ve tried uninstalling Overwolf, I’ve tried deleting my Cache and WTF folders, I’ve tried a clean reinstall of WoW…nothing. Nothing works!

Not an addon issue. Glad this fixed it for you but you have a separate issue from all of us.