<Guild Chat> 7/8h Heroic+Mythic lite Guild Recruiting Raids m/w 9-1130 Central


Guild Chat is based on sargeras and we raid Mondays and Wednesdays from 10pm-12:30 eastern.

We also goof around and do m+ and just chill together.

Its a lot of fun and wed be happy to have ya!

If you’re not much of a raider, that’s no issue we have plenty of members who don’t raid but do mount collecting and exploring.

Hit me up on discord: jfrong if you’d like to learn more.

  • joey

Fun Fact: Guild Chat came 3rd in the 2020 US federal election.

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While we did come in 3rd that election what truly matters is that we had fun.

pretty cool guild looking for healers!

still recruitng would love to have ya!

Wow, joining this guild fixed my back problems, and cleared my skin! Would recommend!