Naxx systems and ptr were the straw that broke the camels back.
People have lost confidence that this team can deliver anything anymore.
Months of issues falling on deaf ears and now this detached from reality approach to the p7 raid, itemisation that doesnt have anyone excited or willing to raid. Thats only good for naxx. System that makes officers question their sanity when it comes to raid roster logistics, and pvp thats absolutely abysmal ignored and broken killing any openworld fun, not to mention the economy thats non existant cause of bots and gold sellers.
Gj shotcallers at blizzard, this and many more stories like this are gonna happen in the next weeks or have happened already and if you dont care then hopefully then subscriptions running out and not being renewed will make you understand that your delusions are not what players want
im seriously dreading phase 7, having gear that only works in one raid is the dumbest crap i’ve ever seen and it truly makes me want to stop playing
seems kind stupid to quit before the content is even out. like at the very least wait for it to release and judge it on the reality not early datamines
I remember everyone saying how good legion was. Now we get legion style gearing and everyone hates it. You guys didn’t like the lack of upgrades last phase. Didn’t like no new runes in phase 5. Now u get new shoulder runes and have every single gear slot to upgrade and ur complaining. It just seems the player base will never be happy
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I don’t know what to tell you, if you think people who are playing the classic + “beta” want legion gearing you’re on another planet.
They could’ve released naxx with good set bonuses, good itemization and a single hard mode and I think folks would’ve been happy.
Eastcoast is constantly making the worst possible posts on these forums. Ignore anything he says.
We’ve already had good itemizations and set bonuses. Good chance most would only use 2-4pc of tier and weapon upgrades. Then y’all would complain
Ur just upset I don’t think hunters need better ammo than doomshot. Most of the player base besides hunters would agree hunter don’t need to do more damage
Are you dense?? Blizz is trying to sneak a glorified azerite power grind in the game. wake up you shill. This could ruin the game we all love.
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I don’t like it. I just think y’all would complain either way. I personally would of just liked a linear upgrade without the trinket system, but then based on the sims most classes would only be taking 2-4 pieces of tier and weapons.
imagine if they made better t3 bonuses and itemized stuff so people wanted it? if folks were gonna use 6pc t3 and then some old 2pc bonus from t2 or 2.5 who is gonna complain? I also dont think its horrible if some cthun loot was still bis or near bis. If they had to up all naxx ilvl by 3 so people wanted the gear I dont think that is a bad idea either.
Or even let people coreforge/draconic t3 like they said they were going to.
Santcified couldve been timeworn V2 and only on regular offpieces, with the trinket giving a similar bonus (or the same) as the timeworn ring and maybe having a nice juicy on use spelldmg/ap/healing effect so taking up a trinket slot doesn’t feel bad.
People would get 1 shot in BGs then cry because of power creep. I think most pve players would prefer they way u just described but pvp players would cry because they would get rolled by a hunter or shaman burst.
They’ve already made some set bonuses (hunter 2.5) not work in PvP, they can simply do that if a bonus is too much for PvP. Ruining the game because it will make pvp a bit more bursty is silly, pvp is already imbalanced and devs have said they dont really care.
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Yes, but my point was people will cry no matter what the devs do. This community will never be happy. The pvpers will cry that shaman and hunter just have to much raw stats and burst to hard. The pvers cry because they limited the set bonuses to only pve. I’ve seen multiple post about both on the forums
I don’t understand what your point actually is. People will complain so… do what? Nothing? Make the game worse? Throw random ideas in a hat and pick one out?
Yes people will complain about any change, what would you do? You think this is a good system? Why?
I would argue that avoiding huge system changes like this would get the least complaints because at least we know what to expect each new phase.
I would allow us to coreforge/draconic things and wouldve made the AQ sets 8 piece personally. The tell the pvp players that sod pvp is a meme. I was just pointing out that people perma complain over this game and no system the ever implement will be good.
I actually completely agree with you there, no more systems, lets add new content instead!
It would also allow for tuning of set bonuses if u find 1 set bonus is just massively better than the others. Also allowing for mix/matching of set bonuses along with the shoulder runes(I do like the shoulder set bonuses idea).
Im sure lots of classes are going to enjoy their character playing like crap because they are reliant on more than one old bonus (Looking at ret pally and the 2pc draconic).
I agree and the coreforged/draconic mechanics would literally fix that problem for pve players