<Guild Before Time> 5/6 SWP late night LFM

** | Horde | 5/6(both teams); 0 ptr testing) 10pm-1am server (7pm-10pm PST) **

Guild Before Time is a day one Classic guild which has cleared and farmed all content to date. We have a strong leadership team that has led guilds in WoW and other MMOs for 10+ years, with a dedication to a fair, helpful, and non-toxic guild atmosphere. We are currently looking for a few strong players to fill out our raid teams as we progress through T5 content.

About Us:
- fun and focused raid environment
- socially active outside of raid time
- might have taken this dino meme too far

- know your class, be willing and able to play utility specs
- be prepared and on time for raid with full consumables
- maintain 90% attendance rate
- able to provide logs displaying previous raid experience
- no Ceras!

Recruiting skilled players of the following classes/specs:
Team Petrie 25M (Tues/Mon)
-holy paladin-

Team Ducky 25M (Fri/Sat)
-destruction warlock-

Please note that both teams currently clear black temple and mount hyjal In one night (with an optional gruul for dst)currently leaving the second night as optional 10 man content or the night off!

Reaching out to us via Discord will always be more effective than ingame, in order of most available:
- Tambard, Recruiter (TacoMaster#1118)
- Elmily, GM/RL (Everly#5910)
- Kapetal, Officer (Kapetal#4677)

Are you still looking for players? Exceptional 99/90 log healer player, Rshaman, Hpaladin, Resto druid, Holy Preist. Looking for fit your raid times.

Hey reach out to one of the officers! Always accepting exceptional players but they can go into detail more and would like to chat with you I’m sure

Bump. Great first week of t6

Bump. We need some wizards

quick bump with updated needs :slight_smile:

bump with a quick update. Trying to square off our roster as we prepare for sunwell

bump with weekly updates :slight_smile:

Bump with updated needs for sunwell.
Petrie needs a holy paladin that’s sunwell ready

Ducky needs a destro warlock that’s sunwell ready