Guild Banks WONT Be in At TBC Launch

If they never planned to release with them like they said, then that could be the issue. People wanted it, so they tried to shove it in, but it didn’t work.

If they were seriously planning on not having gbanks at release, then they are completely out of touch with their player base.

In before the four people in the game who actually don’t want them decide to reply back here next.


It was less than 4 months.

Dec 10 was when 1.13.3 released

that one WAS a technical issue, they intended to have them in at launch.

They can say whatever they want actually. It’s their game we just rent a license from them for 15$ a month.

Rozen, is your WoW salary direct deposit or do they mail you a check each week?

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They were too busy making sure the store mount and other monetization schemes would work on release lol.

“Gameplay First”

I’d imagine they just can’t figure out how to code them or something and aren’t prioritizing it for some reason. Like there’s no secret overpowered game breaking meta that involves guilds having a more organized bank…


Little did you know, guild banks are the key to killing kael

yes everyone else should suffer because you want storage space right away

Most people want the pre-patch to last for at least a month. Sort of like every single pre-patch they’ve ever had lol

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not at this point that it’s already been announced, that ship has sailed.

Blizzard please reconsider!

this community is so pathetic lmao. like 8 year olds crying… CONSTANTLY.

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