Guild Banks not working for gold withdrawals

Several posts in Bug Forums not getting any response. Many people can only withdraw small amounts 10g to 1000g at a time. I was able to withdraw 7k in 1k increments with guild leader but then nothing. A blue response would be nice. Is this related to warband banks not working, etc.


Guess I am not the only one that is experiencing this. Hopefully they’ll fix this soon.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

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Nope, it isn’t just you. They are completely ignoring it. In fact, I didn’t even see this posted on their list of known bugs. It’s pretty time consuming flat out ridiculous. Kinda need the ability to withdraw large amounts of gold from the guild bank at once!

I just made the mistake and asked in general chat in game if this was a known issue , instantly started getting mocked so i logged off . Its a sad state of the game when players cant even get answers either in game or out and get mocked for asking a question in general . This is one of MANY issues that need to be addressed. i did try the guild bank withdrawal several times on many toons before asking , i thought it was just me at first . it wont let me take anything out of my personal guild bank at all , only deposit. which sucks. now i cant level my proffs unless i got earn some gold instead of using what i already have lol.


And that sort will be the FIRST in line in here to run their infantile mouths if you ask for more solo content so you can avoid them, lol

Actually, Im trying to draw gold out of my guild bank right this second with little success.
I guess THIS is how Ion will ruin personal guilds and try to push us into using his new warbank…lol

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so…reset yesteday and this trash DIDNT get fixed???

ALL of my gold is in my damned guild bank, Blizzard, lmao

put 1 copper into the bank
Now withdraw how ever much gold you have on you i did 100g
now depost 1 copper again
now withdrar 200g
now deposit 1 copper
now withdraw 400g
keep repeating this process until you have all the gold you want out


I’ll give this a try.

its a bad processes but this worked for me just keep putting 1 copper in and doubling what u take out


huh…well, it just worked the first time lol…thanks a ton for the help!!

just passing on what someone told me to do :slight_smile: now i got a empty guild bank i got to try and sell


I drew out what I needed. Lord…so glad we have players like you around for when bliz screws things up. :+1: :+1:

anytime if you have any other issues you can join my huge community
invite code is bLGk9Gas5wj

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My question now is…HOW did someone actually figure out to deposit a copper first and then draw it out like that? lol
Not exactly anything I think most of us would have thought to try

Quoing this. It is the current and only work around that I know of.

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i have tried everything from my guild leader toon to my lowest peasant, i can put in all i want , still cant take anything out. items however, i can take as much as i want. Its just gold for me right now. idk , i just wont try again for a while, only found it out when i was trying to get some gold so my peasant toon could level one of his professions. ill just go level again and earn some more gold and wont deposit it lol .

Still no fix for this. Just sad

Bump for people still having issues with bank