Guild Bank will not allow for withdraw or deposit of items in specific slots

Several select spots within the Guildbank will not allow for withdraw or deposit. Attempted with several characters, with and without addons. I have removed all addons, uninstalled the game and still experience the same issue.


I am having trouble withdrawing items from my guild bank as well.

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Same exact problem.

The guild bank knows the items should be there. For example, bronze-quality Saxifrage. I have 132 in a slot. I have 1 in my inventory. I right-click the 1, but nothing happens. The guild bank knows there is a slot, so it won’t automatically create a new slot. I can manually drag-and-drop to a new slot. I cannot drag-and-drop or right-click into the pre-existing stack. I cannot remove or move the pre-existing stack. I cannot split the pre-existing stack into separate stacks (though it knows I should be able to, as it opens the stack split window and allows me to try, it’s just it doesn’t actually DO it).

I don’t know if this is a guild bank issue or an item issue. It is occurring for a variety of items in multiple tabs, and a variety of slots within those tabs (not the same slots in the grid either).

My husband and I both tried from our separate battlenet accounts. I tried from my main (the guild leader) and his character is a guild officer. We do not have any addons that impact inventory. We have not tried removing addons or reinstalling, but it looks like that doesn’t help anyway so not going to at this point.

Same thing here. The same items cannot be moved or withdrawn from any toon, even the guild owner toon. Some of the items are stackable, and the stack cannot be split apart.

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Yep, same issue here. This bug is unfortunately back. It first happened months ago and took well over a month to finally “go away”. Hopefully we won’t have to wait that long… again.

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I have some 34 slot bags that I cannot withdraw. Their icon is there, but the guild bank acts like there is nothing there. We have some empty slots as well , that I don’t think anybody withdrew from.

Add me to the list. Going through my guild bank (as the GM with unlimited access) to move stuff across to my Warband Bank and it wont let me. Shows it as there but cant move it.

Having this issue as well. Was trying to clean my guild bank up some and some slots are acting as if they just don’t exist aside from the icon in the space.

Sounds like an add-on conflict possible with the new UI code … a guildie had problems with the reputation UI until he updated one of his addons.

Well, looks like Blizzard “solved” this problem with their maintenance today…by simply deleting the “stuck” items in question. Those items are just gone now.


Looks like you’re right. That is frustrating.

Thank you for the fix. Missing items and mats now how about fair market value.

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Seriously, I had SEVERAL large stacks of older herbs…worth thousands of gold. Gone.


I can assure you it’s not because I turned off my addons and it still persists. However today, the items that were stuck in the guild bank are now gone due to the OTHER bug happening with the guild banks lmao… it’s so ridiculous.

I had multiple enchants that were stuck yesterday go missing this morning as well. Everything is bugged. It’s ridiculous. I’m just hoping it’s a graphical bug or something and the items are back in the bank one they decide to actually fix these issues.

Yep, just visited my gbank for the first time today and the items I couldn’t interact with yesterday are now just gone.

This needs to be fixed! This had better be capable of being restored, and not through rolling back the contents of the gbank because other things were added in the meantime to stacks that weren’t bugged, and most players would have no idea what each missing stack was or how much was in the stack.


So here is what happened in my case:

Personal Guild with only my chars (Cross realms and Cross Factions)
A bunch of existing items in the guild bank (legacy, there for many years)
Logged on new cross faction and cross server character, joined guild, moved a bunch of items from personal reagents bank into guild bank.
A lot of these items were adding to existing stacks
Immediately after I could not interact with these stacks, could not move them, could not take them out
Logged in the next day, all those ‘broken’ stacks are now gone

Your mileage my vary, but those are the exact steps I took and ended up in the same boat.

I’m now using my warband tab as a work around to send everything to my guild master and only using that toon to interact with the guild bank. Will update if that also breaks things…

My mileage is definitely a bit different. There is only one character in our guild that is cross-faction, and none that are cross realm/server. But there are items (even non-stackable ones) that are missing that haven’t been touched in months (like old upgrade items for the Draenor garrison auctioneer).

Same issue for me too.

Four days of Guild Bank bugginess (not able to drop items in the bank, not able to take items out of the bank, etc.) and then 98% of my stuff (collected over years) just up and fracken disappeared.

Same problem with my alt guild bank. Jack of all Blades - Azjol Nerub

Having this issue as well. Guild bank has 7 tabs and I was able to remove everything out of the guild bank including gold except for 33 slots.

Guild: furtive - Sargeras