Guild Bank was robbed

Hello, I noticed alot of items are missing from all the guild bank tabs on Retail, Can I get support or suggestions on what to do?

If needed can you contact me Marreena in game the guild master?

Well no one is gona contact u ingame thats not how it works.

What does the withdraw tab say.

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It shows nothing for withdraw, happened ever since the cross realm thing happened, I know for a fact I didn’t go withdraw and go sell anything.

This is from a previous post


Thank you, I’ll look at that topic.

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The only thing u can do is post in the bug forums.


I’ll go ahead & do that, Thank you very much


You are not alone!

This is happening to quite a few of us. It does not appear to be a theft (if that makes you feel better). Hopefully we see traction on this bug soon.

The more people that post in the aptly named bug forum the better.


Yeah i just looked at mine and i lost about 60k sallow pigments and thousands of other inks and pigments. Too scared to put things in my gbank atm.

If this is similar to past occurences of things like this, the items are still there, and just aren’t visible for some reason. It’s basically a display issue.


I had a guy or gal pester me for a guild invite recently so I invited them.

The went to the bank then complained that I did not have a guild bank.

I do not use them on any of my characters I have in my own guild.

Next day that person was no longer in my guild. They /gquit.

I suspected they were a robber.

Blizzard wont step in u gave them permission to withdraw from the guild bank its up to the guild master to set the rules. This how ever has nothing to do with everyone elsw.

All my personal guild banks, plus my guild’s guild bank are all suffering this issue. Random items aren’t showing up. And sometimes clicking on the items that are there doesn’t do anything.

If this response was to my original, no I never gave anyone permission to remove anything

No the guy above me urs is a seperate issue from his.

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Nah the response was to someone else that invited someone into the guild and gave permission to withdraw stuff. Not related to this issue.

This issue, everyone is having. The items are NOT gone, so don’t worry too much about it. It’s some kind of display issue where they are there but the client is not displaying them. And that’s causing withdrawal/deposit errors because the client is confused about what’s there and what’s not.

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Actually that person didn’t give permission for guild bank withdrawals and was not saying the invited guild member did anything.

They merely stated they suspected the invited guild member was looking to rob a guild bank as they complained about no guild bank access and then /gquit.

I am the GM of Heroes of Time. A guild that has been around since vanilla. ALL our items seem to have disappeared. Even items I myself deposited just yesterday. No withdrawals shown just deposits.
I hope it is true the items are not gone as we had quite an assortment of items from all expansions and all types.

I would avoid doing any deposits till its fixed.

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