I am having issues with my guild bank tabs. When I right click on some items such as a stack of herbs they won’t move into the bank tab. I cannot drag them to the tab either. Neither of these things are constant. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes I have these issues. I have also had items disappear completely when it does allow me to drag them into the bank.
I’ve followed the directions for a UI reset to the letter and it made no difference. I have tried checking the permissions and they’re okay. This is happening on both alliance and horde guild banks across two separate accounts.
Any suggestions?
Happening to me too, just started today. Not being able to put items in the bank is pretty consistent for me: whatever bank slot that items disappeared from when they put in the bank is unusable. If I drag items to one of those slots, they won’t go in the bank. And if they are the next empty slot, I can’t just right-click items to move them in. But slots where items didn’t disappear I can continue to put items into no problem.
I’m up to 4 unusable slots across 2 different tabs right now.
Edit: Make that 9 unusable slots now.
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I’m in the same boat, spoke with GM’s 5 times now. The 2nd occasion the GM I spoke to said he’d never heard of the issue before. The 4th one said others were having the same issues. The fifth one said to submit data & try ui reset, which doesn’t work.
Just noticed this with my gbank as well. There’s a slot where I simply cannot withdraw or even move an item, and I lost a stack of 40 gems trying to deposit it into another slot (the deposit is shown in the log but it disappeared from the bank).
I disabled all addons to see if that changes anything, and it didn’t. Also had guildies confirm that they also have the same problem with the bugged slots, and they do.
Edit: This problem is occurring in the first gbank tab. I haven’t tested the others to see if there are any other bugged slots.
I am having similar issues. A lot of my addons are outdated, so I’m gonna go in my addons folder and delete stuff that’s outdated and I don’t use. Maybe that has something to do with it?!
I have no outdated add-ons, but I’ve also tried with add-ons disabled and a UI reset.
Also having this issue. I can drag-and-drop items (in most cases) into the bank tabs, but not right click. I lost 4x Elixir of the Rapid Mind as well trying to transfer them into the guild bank. Submitted a ticket but no response yet.
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They aren’t lost, you just can’t see them. A GM I talked to said it isn’t an issue on our end. It is a graphical display bug. But the fixes that are suppose to help do nothing. I have 3 guild banks ( on different servers and factions) that have been reset by the GMs. But the second I take something out of “bad spot” in a tab and place it back in it will disappear. It is very frustrating because even GMs resetting it doesn’t give an actual fix.
Also, I have completely uninstalled my addons, deleted the cache, interface, and WTF folders. Restarted the system like suggested, none of those things work.
Just encountered this problem myself. Took an item from a slot earlier today. Now no character can move any item into this slot, it is dead. I fear more slots become like this. As this is my personal guild bank for 11 characters, I visit it many, many times a day and can see this getting very frustrating.
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just out of curiosity… this is happening and NONE OF YOU have any addons installed correct? Because this sounds like a GUI issue brought on by LUA errors in an addon.
As I stated in my post, I have done all the steps. I don’t know about anyone else in this thread. One of the GMs I contacted told me this:
"You have summoned Game Master Lady Taghamma. Thanks for reaching out to us about a very inconvenient display bug with the guild bank with items disappearing and tabs being wonky.
This is a bug that has just came up with recent reports. It’s not your fault or something having to do with the client side, although disabling addons and resetting the UI are good steps to try either way.
That said, I went ahead and refreshed the guild you mentioned in the last response. I then proceeded to remove all the listed materials that went invisible and put them back. So far that has come back as successful. Check those when you can to see if that is now fixed.
if items keep disappearing, hopefully they won’t, this will need to get bug reported so it can get fixed on the coded side of the game. As much as we don’t mind removing and re-adding items, it’s not ideal to do it every time. It would take too much of your time to report each time an item disappears, so hopefully this nips it in the bud."
So as you can see they verified that at least for me, there isn’t anything I can do.
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Yep, sounds familiar, I’ve gotten similar replies from GM’s. I’ve removed every addon from my game, uninstalled and reinstalled clean, and same thing keeps happening, and it’s not localized to just one server or guild bank for me, but seems to occur anywhere and everywhere. I’ve locked down my guild bank on my main to keep my guildies from adding items to it until this gets resolved. Hopefully they’ll give us some notice when they’ve isolated and solved the issue.
Same, I’ve had to remove deposit access to my guild’s bank just to ensure we don’t lose any more items. Thankfully the stuff that we’ve already lost was cheap to replace, but god help you if you lose a full stack of anchor weed or an expensive BoE to this bug.
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Just lost a Visions Deck to this. I’m making a ticket.
Edit: After the weekly reset, the item is back in the slot that was blacked out.
Well, I thought everything was fixed. One of my guild banks is still being affected, though in an entirely different part of the tab now. But it does only seem to be one of my guild banks and not all 3.
The reset didn’t make any difference for me. It’s random spots in different tabs - nothing has re-appeared for me.
My stuff did reappear… so it’s odd that it didn’t for everyone. However, I have had new items deposited in new slots disappear after the weekly downtime brought the old ones back.
The reset seems to have fixed the few slots that were bugged for my guild bank. Hopefully it stays fixed.
This is nothing with your stuff I have contacted them over my guilds 700 people having the same issue and can’t see the items. They say there is no ETA on it but they are working on it. They had to log into my main 3x to fix it and then it broke while talking to them via live chat on my alt XD so ya it’s broken they know I got told not to deposit nothing into there. Which is near impossible while people are donating for raids. But ce la vi. It’ll get fixed when they find out why it is happening.
U don’t lose the items they are there just invisible