Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I mean, really, it should be down to Blizzard to be aware it may not go smoothly, and prepare for that. Like they obviously did not in this case.

It’s a bit sad that my first instinct now isn’t “it’s okay, Blizzard will fix it if it goes wrong” its … “oh heck, where am I going to store all that stuff until I know for a fact there’s no bugs that happen when they introduce this?”


I think this fiasco has both :stuck_out_tongue: The bug was dealt with … the screw up, so far, has not :stuck_out_tongue:


Lmao, yeah because pixels kept in a game can cause a fire hazard, toxic smell, etc.

It’s not the same, this is a stupid comparison.


I forgot hoarding was defined as something that can cause fire, toxic smell, etc.

"A persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them."

Keeping a bunch of redundant items in game and filling up your inventory and banks vs keeping a bunch of redunant items irl and filling your home/space up with things.

Yea… not comparable at all.

Thanks Bliz, You restored 6 slots out of like 400 missing. I did not touch the Guild Bank for a long long time while waiting for it to be restored. almost 20 yrs of stuff. Stacks and Stacks of materials, rare crafting items, Things you just can’t get now. I still wanted to make some proto mounts as well and the mats gone.
Don’t leave anything of value in your guild bank.


You are just hoarding that gear you have on. You don’t need it.


Oh boy, a semantics argument and dictionary definition.

Collecting in a game is part of the gameplay. Majority of these items people were talking about having multiple tabs, yourself included in old reagents are things that still have use in the game, value, and fluctuating value at that. “Redundant” is your viewpoint on it because you value those items differently. Even unobtainable items like quiver bags sell because they’re a part of the history of the game you can’t get back on retail.

So yes, not comparable and not hoarding.


This is what strikes me as somewhat of a hypocritical stance on Blizzard’s part from a financial viewpoint. Granted, you CANNOT convert any digital asset into actual real world currency, but it does allow you to keep from using real world currency to pay for a service that is, by a majority, paid for using real world currency.

  • Players losing items of value that could be turned into digital currency due to a bug.

  • Players using a bug to gain items of value that could be turned into digital currency.

Which of those two scenarios does Blizzard immediately “fix” once discovered?


Hoarding is a mindset and an act.

You can hoard in-game and irl.

You clearly needed it since you think its an irl only thing.

Collecting in irl is just part of living.

Its wild how you can’t see the hypocrisy. Its the same act, but one is digital lol.

I need it just as much as you need the clothes on your back and shoes on your feet :joy:

And because I see you typing away already. Please use the interwebs other than trolling on the forums. Google goes a long way.

"What is hoarding in gaming?

There are many ways of hoarding in games too, such as holding onto hundreds of potions that never get used, collecting thousands of stacks of wood that never get built into anything, or even just building up a pile of useless in-game money." "

Just one of many.

Omg, you have restored a bit of my faith in humanity! :wink:

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I’m not the one ignoring the gameplay and mechanics part. Blizzard assigns a value to items in their game and want you to care about them. FOMO, unobtainables. Not hard to understand.

Nah, not the same. This whole argument isn’t even coming from a place of good faith when the original comment was making a blanket statement about people.

If you think what I’m saying is trolling then I have zero reason to care about any other response. This is, however, derailing the thread because people want to come here and be insulting. Move on.


Oh my god. Thanks for the information. I will get bigger bags on a few alts and clear out all my banks temporarily before these changes arrive. I’m already sensing the next disaster.

There are a bit too many accidents lately, at least for my taste.
The broken AH where they made a big database mistake and people still didn’t get their items back that they’ve lost during these days.
The warband bank that just consumes stashed gold and makes it disappear.
The bugs where reputation and even honor levels just randomly reset and players didn’t get any compensation or fix for that.
Then the guild bank stuff that’s been devastating for a lot of players.

If I made that many severe mistakes at work I would not even be fired, I would go straight to jail. And no, I’m not saying anyone of the devs should go to jail before someone tries to distract from the actual arguments and put words in my mouth. What I’m saying is that there’s no small “oopsie” but there’s just no consistency or trust anymore when it comes to character data and clearly they’re doing extremely sloppy work and don’t even seem to have backups for anything.


I 1000% agree. Anyone that is arguing against those that lost items here are missing the bigger picture.

Blizzard is not to be trusted. They have not given any confidence in their responses that they know what happened and how they intend to take steps to prevent future occurrences. Period. Anyone that is trusting them beyond this point - it’s shame on you as well as them.

Even if they can restore the things they are continuously breaking they have shown they do not intend to make players whole. Time is money, friends.


Yeah at my company people would be going to jail for this level of incompetence regarding data too. Which, granted is because it’s a type of business that’s much more important than a gaming company. I’m not saying that should happen to game devs.

But SOMETHING needs to be done. It’s to the point where this expansion will either sink or swim depending on what they do for this issue. A LOT of people are quitting.


So you ignored literally everything and chose to focus on unobtainables only huh?
I used old mats as an example as well.

And you can still hoard collectibles. The value is in the eyes of the beholder.
Some of my collectibles Im sure you would consider trash.
But I can also admit that I have hoarding tendencies in game.
Don’t even get me started on my chests in skyrim.

It is the same. Its a mindset and an act. The place that it occurs doesn’t matter.

Some people hoard condiments from fast food chains irl.
Some hoard every single scroll, book, gem they find in skyrim.

I was merely saying that hoarding exists in game. I can’t say I agree with really anything they said that corresponded with their hoarding comment. They were already being disengenuous about people being toxic.

You started it by arguing hoarding can’t exist in a game.

Ok – I’ll bite – What was the “glitch”?

I saw that pathetic apology.

From what I hear, they are “done” basically.

What people want are the things they had before Blizzard destroyed. Provide those and everyone will calm down.

They should be. Backup/restore is 101 IT. If you can’t provide backup and restore functionality then you have no business in business.

Be as dismissive as you want, but it is none of your business why some want their pixels in game…NONE.

They sure do and that is what backups are for…to recover from those accidents…oops apparently they didn’t have any.

LOL – how sad for you.


Amazon is a service and a product just like a video game.
iHoP is a product and a service just like a video game.


… wonder how long it’ll be before this thread gets locked too, at this rate. :frowning:


I’d love to know actual numbers. We have the vocal people here on the forums, but there are so many players who don’t come here. I’m sure there are also forum lurkers who don’t post.

And let’s stay on topic y’all. Don’t think that Blizzard won’t close this thread in a hearbeat and delete any future threads.