Guild Bank Missing Items Update

A BUNCH of people need to unsub for Blizz to feel it. Not just the handful I’ve seen on these threads. I’m guessing thousands, tens of thousands would all have to unsub over this for Blizz to step up and do something.

If the streamers are not covering this and don’t want to, then stop watching the streamers. If enough people stop watching them, and they know why, then maybe they’ll put some more pressure on Blizz. As it is right now, not enough people are angry enough to do anything, and so, Blizzard gets away with this pathetic “restoration”.


It’s quite a bit of effort short of “pathetic”. They basically did nothing.


Not a single item was restored from my guild bank. I had all tabs full in the bank of old world mats, pets and even a haunted momento.

None of it had been touched in months. Much of it had been there for many years.

I now have a total of 7 items remaining in total across all tabs.

How can there be no recovery from pre-TWW? There has been no effort put in here whatsoever. For a paid subscription service? This is not acceptable.


Here’s the thing, you haven’t fixed anything. I just logged into my Alliance-side guild, on the GM character. Noted that the 3rd bank tab was full (used for storing crafting mats). Clicked on it.

Watched it update to 36 empty slots

Check the log on that tab. Nothing has been withdrawn in the past month by anyone.

This is a bigger clown show than Ringling, Cirque du Soleil, and the Ohio State Fair rodeo combined.


No meaningful restorations were done to anyone. Just a couple random items here and there.


This makes me so sad. I have been playing since vanilla and I am a packrat. Both my personal bank and gbank were very full.

I can’t believe all the mounts, pets and toys cannot be replaced!?!?

I try not to complain too much but I have lost trust in this game.


I have a feeling massive numbers of people are going to have to unsub before they will even notice, let alone try to do anything.


This reminds me of the Bethesda canvas bag fiasco. First they tried to offer a pathetic amount of in-game currency. And it was later that they were basically forced to do more.

The “restoration” they gave on Friday was the pathetic amount of in-game currency. Will just have to wait and see.


It has to be enough to hit the company’s wallet, as in, a significant noticeable decline in revenue. Furthermore, they need to specify the REASON why they are unsubbing. I plan on sending a hand written letter when my sub expires in two months, detailing exactly why I am dissatisfied and do not want to renew.


I didn’t receive any ingame currency. I received some cheese and an old professions bag that became bop when I took it out of the mailbox.


Oh I meant it’s the equivalent of the pathetic amount of in-game currency Bethesda did with the bag thing. Bad wording on my part, I didn’t mean to imply Blizzard sent out in-game currency.


… you mentioned two guilds having been affected back in [wrong post number on my list] of the other thread (thank you, Spreadsheet of Knowledge). Was this one of those?!


I did. I couldn’t remember if I’d checked the Alliance bank, but looking back at my posts, I did say it was affected. It’s been a long month. :weary:

The other guild is Gilneas Worgen Sanctuary, also on Bloodhoof.

The same thing happens to you as to me. When one is truly immersed in the game, some of these characteristics make an insurmountable gap in immersion.
Reality comes crashing into your fantasy world.
It’s like tomorrow Khadgar comes and touches my buttocks -i’m a woman- and wtf? not here please. This is sanctuary.


I logged on this morning to check for more mails from the Postmaster. I figured I’d at least give them until Monday.


I’m off to work, y’all keep fighting the good fight while I’m gone!


Also, thank you for compiling records of this. I pray your data backups are more robust than Blizzard’s. :bowing_woman:


I’ve been a semi-frequent poster on this topic for weeks, and I’ve been watching every relevant thread, and I commiserate so much with everyone. I’ve been stewing on this “update” for quite a while.

I’ve always been a video game nerd. Blizzard, I’m the kind of customer you should be trying to keep. My husband and I buy 3 of every collector’s edition (2 to use, 1 to keep unopened as a collectors item). We continue to pay our yearly subscriptions, even when life gets hectic and we can’t play. We basically skipped 80% of dragon flight because of real life commitments, but never canceled our subs. We buy everything from the in game shop, the $600 statues, the books, the stuffed animals, etc. I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time playing playing dozens of different characters, farming mounts/pets/toys/mogs, chasing achievements & camping rares. (We all know how much the shareholders love those play time metrics!) I’ve passed on playing other games that look really fun, because I chose to give my limited leisure time to WoW.

There’ve been some stuff we didn’t like, but we stuck with you because we don’t hold it against you to try new things.

But this is such a giant slap in the face to not only me & players like me, but EVERY. SINGLE. PLAYER.

Everyone needs to know that this is a precedent. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: We all understand mistakes happen. But this is not an ‘honest’ mistake. I don’t know if its negligence, incompetence, budget cuts, staff cuts, or whatever, but this is NOT an understandable boo boo. I’ll admit this is not my area of expertise, but I can’t imagine something like this happening without cut corners or sloppy work. I wouldn’t trust anything in the game now, as this shows our data isn’t safe.

I know I don’t “own” anything in the game, and TOS blah blah blah, but we all have the reasonable understanding that when we put stuff in designated storage it will be there until we remove it or the game shuts down.

First, we get gut punched by the fact this data loss happened in the first place, then we get a slap in the face by essentially being ignored, and finally we get kicked in the teeth with this pathetic response (no disrespect to the specific blue poster, I know they’re just the messenger).

So now what? I wasn’t impacted nearly as badly as some other people. My guild bank had mostly crafting mats that are still obtainable, and I “only” lost about 50-60%. But I’m disgusted on behalf of people who lost things like mounts, unobtainable stuff, etc. I will probably continue to log into my main on raid nights with the guild, because that is still fun for us, but I’ve got a REALLY bad taste in my mouth. But no more ‘loyalty.’ My play time is going to plummet, I’m not going to bother with alts, or hunting all the things I used to because the trust is gone. I’m not getting anything extra from the shop or real life merch. I’m going to give other games a try now.

I know that won’t be more than a drop in the bucket, but it makes me feel better at least getting it all out. I encourage my fellow players to do the same.

  • My guild haven’t charts of another realm or faction;
  • 42 guildies who doesn’t log 1 to 6 years ago;
  • The last record of movement in tabs is from 7 months ago, and I continued to have daily activity in the GV;
  • This problem did not start with the update that the op cites, it started 7 months ago when the registry stopped taking note of the movements;
  • There are 7 months of unregistered movements -income and expenses-
  • Nothing arrived in the GM’s email today, there is nothing in the GV, I need the space (which I also paid for, I paid for the last flap) and I don’t dare to use it, I’m not going to deposit 300 feasts of 700 gold there and later “oops feasts are gone, so sorry”
  • Not returning absolutely everything creates a very serious credibility problem. They don’t seem to see it, and if they do, they don’t care.

I feel like they really aren’t grasping the precedent this sets. Part of being a collector is that you know the reward is worth it for the insane amounts of time spent because no matter what it will be saved until the game is gone. You can quit for years and come back and see that mount you worked so hard on and remember the quality time you put in. Now, all of that feels fleeting. That sense of accomplishment could evaporate in an instant. It makes me sad because I loved that part of this game.


It’s like a burgler breaking in and robbing your house. Then your insurance gives you a check that only covers stuff you had registered with them and nothing sentimental.