Guild Bank Missing Items Update

If anything shows how far WoW and Blizzard have fallen as a game developer it is this bug and Blizzard’s inability to fix it. Many of the items in my guild bank are no longer in game (or Classic now for that matter) and I’ve kept them for 15+ years. Looks like I might not get some of those items back.

With all the lay offs, outsourcing and not doing things in-house anymore Blizzard’s ability to respond and fix to these problems is very lacking.

Hopefully Microsoft can turn it around in the next year or two. We know the previous management trashed Blizzard and its signature games in the years leading up to the sale to Microsoft.


Also, their comments are specifically worded to stir the pot, not to contribute to the conversation, with a side of victim blaming. Textbook trolling.


I believe the movie adaption of “Ready Player One” disagrees with you.


Stop. Responding. To. The. Trolls.

Responding to them feeds them, don’t feed the trolls. Derailing this thread is one way to get it taken down, being off topic too long is another way.

Let’s stay on topic and just ignore anyone who seems to be up to no good.


My cross-faction/realm bank is still stripped.

My single character bank alt’s was not affected and remains intact.

Are you saying one of your banks was completely restored?


Still nothing in my mail, Bliz!
Still empty slots in my guild banks, Bliz!
Do your jobs, Bliz!


His view reminds me of a guy I once knew.

A girl talked to him once in a club, afterwards he assumed she is his future wife and arranged the wedding.

Some people want to see things that just are not there and they are happy with their life. :smiling_face:

I would like to get our questions answered first, before I buy the blunt statement by Blizz.


Restoration is done by all accounts including their statement above.

Ignore the trolls, its been slow in the customer support and bug report forums so they’re bored.


Good. I’m liking every vid and post of it’s kind that I can find anywhere on the internet.


Another week has past and still nada.

Mine got totally nuked. Has been on server since GB’s were a thing and has been functioning fine (well I think it was but who knows now) until this xpac and boom – all nuked. No mail, no email, no nothing


Nah they just want to troll and victim blame because that’s how they get their jollies. Stop repsonding and ignore them and they’ll go away. Trolling becomes boring when noone responds.


I’m starting to wonder if the people who respond to the trolls are also trolls or are in on it somehow. I’m going to report the response posts along with the troll posts.

On topic - still no new mails today, but on a positive note I can also report that nothing more has gone missing.


A few of these guys might be Blizz employees or the alt of some (paid) customer service agent for all we know - presumably here to run damage control/downplay the issue for their handlers (Blizz) in the background

The one DK poster for example:

  • low post count
  • obviously inflammatory/provocative name
  • almost all it’s posts are in this specific thread mocking/arguing with victims
  • not really any posting history outside of this specific issue…

A normal, organic poster typically has a posting history on a number of different topics/subjects… not just in 1 specific megathread

Then there is one or two that look like regular/organic posters, I’m guessing those are simply trolling out of boredom or to fish for attention

Like, this thread isn’t even a good place to “fish” for likes so I’m guessing the latter just don’t have much better to do? If they weren’t affected by these bugs, I don’t see what the purpose of hanging out in a thread dedicated to the issue is? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Idk, there are just some weird people on the internet I guess


Friends, this feels like the end.

Dear Player,

Issue ID: #100947720

Your ticket has received the following response:

Hello disgruntled player.
Game Master Woranachis here, thank you for reaching out to us.

I understand how troublesome this may be, however I’m afraid we cannot directly assist.

As stated, we have received several reports of this issue and the developers concluded the investigation on the matter, there’s an official post on the matter here, and the resolution has been implemented, Guild Bank Missing Items Update, please note that it’s possible not everything will be restored regrettably, however, the developers tried to restore what was possible.

If you are still missing items or not getting anything at all make sure you are the current guild leader or check with the guild leader, as they are the ones who should receive recovered items.
I’m afraid Customer Support and GMs are not able to offer any further help, restoration, escalation or compensation For any missing items.
To clarify, on our end as support, we do not handle bug investigation, compensation or resolution.

I understand this may be something you are unsatisfied with, and rather see it changed.
Although we as support cannot implement these changes on our end, I suggest you voice your opinions in our forums.
You can submit feedback and suggestions on our community forums at<> />This is the preferred way for our developers to reference. In the forums, they can take a look at the opinions and suggestions from the community and even make changes and implement new features in future updates and projects.
Please take into account that feedback posts will not receive a reply even if your feedback is taken into consideration. Rest assured however that someone will look over your suggestion!

You can also make a suggestion using the in-game “Submit Feedback” option that is found on the Support menu.
-Press the Esc key to open the Game Menu, and click Support.
-Click Submit feedback or bug report.
-Click Submit a suggestion.
-Follow the guidelines on the submission form, and enter your suggestion.
-Click Submit.

I understand, and appreciate the fact that you were likely hoping for another answer, and I wish I had one more suited to your expectations, but I hope I was at least able to shed some light on the matter.
Best regards.

Game Master Woranachis.


I’m missing items from my Void Bank on my Death Knight character. I’ve put in a bug, but so far no response. The CS team told me they can’t help me. I’ve been gone from the game for 5 years. I replaced the items that I could remember I owned, but no idea what else I had.


Yeaaaaaaah, that doesn’t sound particularly good. “the developers tried to restore what was possible”.

Still, I don’t buy that it’s not restorable. It’s ludicrous that we’re now two months into this and we still don’t have a reasonable explanation as to what happened.

Is Blizzard dumb enough to not have backups, or are they choosing not to restore us, which is a whole other dumb idea?

We deserve answers, Blizz.


What the heck is CS’ function anymore? >,<" Customer-NO-service. :frowning:

edit: I keep looking at the quoted phrase and honestly wonder - what does CS even do now? They no longer have a purpose except for maybe characters getting unstuck? - Everything else is directed here. Why have a CS at all? I don’t understand this. >.<"


I got the exact same reply. Just a straight copy/paste response to your ticket that they probably didn’t even read. Providing an answer that isn’t helpful about a resolution that didn’t happen and directing us to post in forums that locks our threads and stuff us into this hole to be ignored. Such customer service, much wow.


…they really opened with “Hello disgruntled player”?? Seriously?