Guild Bank Missing Items Update

An actual Blue said it.

So if I haven’t received in game mail with the missing items does that mean that all my stuff is just gone forever?

Are these banks safe to use now for cross-realm guilds or does this have the potential to happen again?

Frankly, don’t trust the entire guild bank system at this point!


I never posted before im really mad and wish i could express my true feelings, but i like to swear ALOT


Yeah I’m with you. They could restore it, they just decided it’s not worth the effort.


I don’t trust the guild bank, and with reports of people losing mass amounts of gold in their warbank due to lag last night, I don’t trust that either.


BTW, I decided to check my guild bank while in Legion’s Dalaran. Allow me to share some, hm, insightful commentary from the NPC Glutonia ‘The Greedy Baroness’ LITERALLY AS I AM STANDING THERE.

20:01:51 Glutonia says: Don’t forget to push the premier account!
20:02:23 Glutonia says: Look at all of it… hopefully none of it goes missing…
20:02:53 Glutonia says: If you are missing items please contact customer service! He he he…

And then repeats every 2 minutes or so. Am I supposed to laugh or cry?


The forum ToS is the only reason I haven’t let the flood gates of my brain burst forth with a ferocity rarely seen.


They shouldn’t do it. They clearly don’t have a way to (or think it’s too expensive to) do thorough testing. Maybe THIS is a test - to see how much crap we’ll all put up with.

At one time, companies cared about taking care of customers, even if it meant it cost them a bit, keeping the customer, the loyalty, and good reputation was WORTH making things right. Now, if it impacts their bottom line (their shareholders, their exec’s golden parachute) even a little, then it’s must not worth it to them.

To be fair, they aren’t the only large company doing this, but THIS is a blatant show of just HOW LITTLE we matter to them.

But I digress. Blizzard, DO NOT mess with ANY storage system if there is even a chance we’re going to lose things. My bank has so many irreplaceable memories. Whereas people kept personal letters in their guild bank, I kept mine on one of my toon’s banks. If ANYTHING should convince them to leave well enough alone, THIS DEBACLE should be it.


Expecting tech things to not do things that are common in tech…? Basically, yeah.

No one expected to lose items, but the whole “How can you allow these things to happen?! You have 20 years of experience yadda yadda” - that part is unreasonable. Not the frustration part. Those two are world’s apart.

Everyone knows about the bag situation and we have had it confirmed that how they coded the game has been odd at times. No I haven’t seen the code, but no one needs to have seen to understand that a 20+ year old program is going to have weird things in the code.

That still doesn’t mean that one has bought anything from the store with that. Gold is gold, regardless of whether it is from a token or otherwise. So they are still different.

My guild has received 0% restoration at this point. Some of the logs are back, but nothing has been sent to the guild leader. Years of items between my wife and I playing this game, gone.

I will give it a some time, as there were quite a few affected and I am assuming restoration might take time, but I am at this point not hopeful and expecting that 0% to continue.


Just got my first two items back. Generic ‘lost in the ether’ response. Blizzard watermark on the mail.

Absolutely this. THIS is why it’s infuriating. It’s not worth it to them. WE are not worth it to them.


Does anyone else think its funny that no streamer is talking about this.


Until you see it firsthand, no one is going to go on “I heard from someone’s bother’s sister-in-law’s uncle who stayed at a holiday inn express who met the grocery clerk who sees Ian every 4 years walk in the store who stated all of the code is 20+ years old and we never upgraded a single piece of it”.

They sort of just…dropped this response and retreated. Some may not even be aware of this yet.


I spent some time working as a developer in a “very large cloud provider,” and the amount and detail of stuff that was logged is stupefying.

It’s possible that Blizzard doesn’t have logs that enable them to reconstruct what happened, but I sort of doubt it. However, there would probably be terabytes and terabytes of logs (or much more) to analyze.

But I’ve personally analyzed terabytes and terabytes of logs before, so there is that.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find that the great majority of people affected by this problem did not know and will never know.


No surprise.
They don’t have GB’s or they will just ask their zombie viewers to farm/buy them more.


They are on the payroll. Can’t bite the hand that feeds!


True, we shouldn’t believe stuff Blizzard posts at all or to explain why some limitations exist. We also shouldn’t believe any ex-employees who have confirmed these things. And we shouldn’t believe the countless number of tech-articles that have covered these things over the years.

Mate… this isn’t some magical unicorn no one has ever heard of. This is basic stuff that happens in games development. Games doesn’t have to be the most amazingly well-coded things in the world to be playable, and WoW wasn’t built to be a game still played 20 years after its release.

This is the thing to be expected … because this is how programming works.
The best description I have heard that encapsulates programming is this: “Sometimes we make something and we don’t know why it doesn’t work, sometimes we know why it doesn’t work, sometimes it works and we know why, sometimes it works and we don’t know why.”

Programming isn’t a mystical unicorn.

OH WOW!!! :open_mouth:

Did the company end up making things right for their customers? If so, despite whatever f*ups happened, that company is doing much better than Blizzard is. (I’d think with real money and probably better regulation in banking, they’d probably have to. Still, Blizzard is about bottom-of-the-barrel when it comes to taking care of customers at this point).

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