Guild Bank Missing Items Update

yes, there are liars and trolls in this world, congrats for showing your true colors and preventing blizz from trusting players!


And do tell what is going to happen here in the future as Blizzard has stated they are working on making our Personal Banks store more stuff by changing it ā€¦what then ā€¦we are facing another lose of items if that goes sideways now for sureā€¦I have stuff in my personal bank that is no longer in game at allā€¦


Putting the player experience first doesnā€™t say sorcery. The data cannot be recovered.

There is a discussion over in the CS forum about whether or not CS can give an update on this issue. The OP was not asking for items back. OP was simply asking for more info regarding the matter.


This is not an excuse to do nothing and expect affected customers to move on as if nothing ever happened.
Customers are regularly (though less often these days) compensated with extra game time when the servers go down and we miss a couple of days play time.
They can figure something for the people from whom they have taken hundreds of days worth of play time. The only reason they donā€™t seems to be that they think weā€™re small enough to not affect the bottom line, unlike server outages which affect everybody.


I donā€™t think so. But at this rate, with how sloppily theyā€™re managing the game and out of touch they are, it seems like theyā€™re already in ā€˜milkingā€™-mode and we might see the F2P label in a few years with an optional more expensive subscription model. Microsoft seems really desperate to get their invested money back quickly, hence the massive layoffs that seem to hurt the gameā€™s quality even more. Iā€™d never thought it could be possible that even Amazon support would be far better than Blizzard CS, which is basically nonexistent and completely useless outside of payment issues. Not to mention the disappointment that even private servers have better QA than the official servers nowadays.


You are welcome to end your sub over this, but I have no idea what you expect them to do. Genuinely, what should they do to compensate unverifiable losses from unverifiable people claiming it?

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Game time, Blizzard Balance, direct refund on Subscription payments, are pretty obvious examples of what they could do. They could claim this event on insurance and get paid out for the cost it takes to personally investigate each and every customer support claim and/or pay data specialist to spend days trawling through code. They could think about it for a while and come up with creative solutions of their own.

As for what they should do, I personally believe game time is the way to go, as it prevents destabilizing the economy with an injection of refunded cash/credit and keeps the affected players subscribed. 1 month for every affected customer, and an additional month where they can verify substantial losses.

And they certainly can verify, at least to some extent. Most of us have a reply from customer support confirming that they can see the fact that we were affected.


So, money, for something that they do not have verifiable data on?

Hereā€™s a followup: Do you seriously believe that any company would give you that for a vague, unverifiable claim of an issue, and give that to potentially millions of people?

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that was a joke, but iā€™m glad to see you got the point of it :slight_smile:

there is no chance whatsoever that blizzard is going to start simply mailing out gold or real money to players based on what they say they had in their gbanks. itā€™s not going to happen. pushing for a solution here is great, but it should be a realistic one.

Fair warning, some of the regulars there can be very rude. Granted rude can fine when dealing with people who get suspended/banned for cheating or being mega toxic and come there to complain, but I think it goes to their heads.


Seems like obvious troll to me, but you gave me an opportunity to address something that I felt worth addressing in this thread. To reanswer your follow up question;

Let me know if you think of anything else worth discussing here!

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Game time is irrelevant. Game time doesnā€™t get my stuff back. I could care less about game time. As a matter of fact, my sub is already canceled. So itā€™s extremely irrelevant to me.

There really isnā€™t anything they can do to compensate.


You donā€™t seem to understand the part where they cannot recover the data. Sure, Blizzard tossing me 15 dollars would be neat, but I doubt they are tossing everybody with a character on retail a 15 or 30 dollar subscription based on u verifiable claims.

It is a fruatrating situation, but thereā€™s really not a solution to irrecoverable data loss.

This is true. They are not exactly the friendliest lot over there. Lot of white knights defending Bliz too.


CS is there to help with quest issues and point people in the right direction for tickets or support articles. They arenā€™t there to solve peopleā€™s bans and more often than not, they get attitude first. Itā€™s not white knighting to give factual information.

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CS can point us in the right direction with an actual factual update!

Edit: Oh waitā€¦ I wasnā€™t referring to the blue team when I said they were white knighting. I was referring to the players that respond over there. The blues are okay.

The update for this issue is right here in this post. There is nothing else.

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Kiyoko, are you aware that when this started there were blue posts saying they could see the missing items and were aware of what they were, seems verifiable to me. Look it up.


You keep saying that line, like with every post you make. Where does Blizzard say they lost all records and all player data and all backups. They said ā€œDue to how some of the data was lost, weā€™ve reached a point where the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guildsā€. That could mean anything. Its a very vague statement (probably intentionally) that tempers expectations for a quick and complete restoration.

Anything beyond the official statement is speculation, and in this case fearmongering to whip people up into a devolving argument of more speculation and general misinformation. In other words, intentionally or not, youā€™re trolling.