Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Ok, I think you’re just being disingenuous now.



All I can see is hundreds of people who got nothing restored, at all, period. You want to claim otherwise? That plenty of people got their stuff restored? Prove it. Oh you can’t? Then you can take your trolls elsewhere.


There are many people who stated that they received mail with items. I don’t care if you won’t read those.

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Again with the lies, such low effort trolling.


Let’s be clear here. Out of thousands of items I only got 12 measly items restored. I am getting sick because I am going through my guild banks and finding more stuff missing. It’s hard to remember everything at one time. I am missing over 100 million gold in goods. That is a conservative figure. Luckily I didn’t lose all my Teebu’s and other rare swords. I have been a hardcore banker and collector for over 10 years. I have bought most of the TCG mounts and pets from flipping. I always thought my guild banks were a safe place to keep my stockpile. Now my items are gone and Blizzard is writing this off like it is not a big deal. This is a huge deal because I spent blood, sweat, and gold obtaining this stuff throughout the years. Now it is gone because the devs dropped the ball on a rollout. This is not just going to go away, Blizzard. You are messing with your main base the veterans of the game that have always been loyal to you throughout the years. I seriously doubt that you can sweep this under the rug. To read Shifucino’s ticket response is appalling. How rude and disrespectful! You represent the company and the devs dropped the ball. You should be nothing but helpful and apologetic. That’s unprofessional and wrong. I don’t know what direction you are moving in Blizzard but I don’t want to go in this same direction. It seems your customer service is going down the toilet because I have never had a GM talk to me that way. This situation with these guild bank items disappearing and the way it has been handled is leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths. If you don’t believe me google it and look at the news feed.


People like to conveniently ignore those posts. The fact is some people have received some items.

By success story, I mean more items than a handful of cloth or meat. I mean complete restoration. The various tickets and the blue post mention that SOME of us won’t see their vaults fully restored.

Ok, so now I want someone to tell me that they were 100% restored.


It’s called a half truth, for the record.

The blue post mentioned an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and left vague on whether that meant any guilds were being fully restored with some partial restorations, or most guilds having nothing restored with some partial restorations.

I’m not sure what’s hard to understand on that in regards to trying to find a success story of a complete restoration, but it’s also worth reminding:

  1. CS and CM don’t seem to know the full extent of what’s going on or timetables to tell us.
  2. CS has had differing answers on whether restorations are ongoing or completed at this time
  3. Until a blue post is able to give some clarity or outright confirmation, we also don’t know more than them at this point.

*edit: I should add that it’s not hard to understand for people that have been talking about this issue from the start, majority of us have partial to no items restored, often duplicates and/or low value items and have only heard from people in the same spot. That’s left majority of us to assume it’s the latter possibility and that no guilds have had a full restoration, but there’s no proof of this outside the one mentioned streamer.

Anyway, you get the energy you give. No one should be surprised if they get called a troll for coming into a sticky on a widespread issue to argue with low effort posts or passive aggressive remarks.


Still waiting for you all to mail me our items. You have had many people suggest viable solutions and still nothing. Why? Because we are treated as low class citizens instead of what we are, your cash source and job security!!! We all quit your ALL doomed!!! I have read every single reply and these players you have such low regard for have made suggestions within your capabilities. Please, do not even try to say the code is changed so much ya can’t do a backup restore on a non player server, get the items and restore them. I find it hard to believe I can restore a character deleted in Wotlk today but cannot get the guild items back that I did not delete from just a short time ago. I love this game and have endured lots of things but this has to be the most unacceptable one. As an ex-Military Intel officer i know all about detachment, but you all are reflect your purposely detaching yourselves from the very people that provide your income, THE PLAYERS!!!



No viable solution has been presented to complete data loss.


I am wondering how much of a spaghetti code there actually is and how big the danger to lose everything next time.

Maybe they don´t want to talk about it, because they just escaped a catastrophic event that could in theory wipe millions of players of their progress?

It seems weird that on the one hand, smart internet nerds are able to tell months or even years before content is released that it will be, while with this bug, they remain silent and did not see it coming.

I don´t know enough about IT, but how hard can it be for someone o the outisde, to discover the truth about what caused the data wipe?

Like for instance, my tab number 1 is still full of items, it´s the only tab my account and the one of an old friend have access to. He does not play anymore, but I keep his tab in case he returns.

All other tabs but one, however, are gone and only 4 of my chars did access them. There was no crossrealm, transfering, name changing or whatever happening. Before it happened, I started moving stuff around in Tab 2, but I did only start as the Warbank did not function so my options were limited.

When the Warbank started to work, the tabs were wiped clean, but the tab I did work on (2), was the least effected. The logs were wiped too, but not on tab 2…

It´s almost as if the tab I did use, was ignored by the bug, but then again, tab 1 that I do not touch, was not wiped either.


Just wondering how people are even getting vague replies from opening bug reports, when I opened one, it said I wouldn’t get a reply, I didn’t even get an email stating I had sent in a bug report.
Do I need to open a ticket as well and find a way to actually submit one?

So far Zero restorations, 7 tabs full give or take 1-2 slots.

I have no trust in Blizzard now being completely neglectful on this issue.


Bug reports don’t get replies. What people refer to are tickets, however, opening a ticket will not get additional items or answers, GMs are limited in what they can do.


My guess is that since people do not tend to run gbanks on ptr/beta nor do they have them full at 7 tabs it just never had the ability to be tested. It shows an area that I’ll definitely start testing when i’m beta/ptr testing next time.

Does anyone know if we are any closer to receiving reimbursement for items lost in guild banks? I know we had almost a million gold worth of item in there. I really just care about the mounts and pets. I think we have been patient long enough to receive something from Bliz.

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Nobody knows. There will likely be no compensation of any kind, however.


That is actually fair…nobody cares about items vanishing from PTR/beta, because they regularly wipe stuff.

The issue is, they didn’t IMMEDIATELY take down the game when the problem happened, and just let it keep happening for several days.


don’t hold your breath. other than the limited exceptions, they have no way of knowing what anybody had or didn’t have.

Short of backups they’re required to take, like the one before the update that caused this.


Or any backups really. Since again “most” people missing items really only care about the things they’ve been collecting in there for a while. Valuables, mementos, legacy items and legacy tradeskill mats. They could roll it back a year and most people would be pretty happy.