Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I’m still missing things from my Warbank. Pet charms, honor tokens, Pet stones…

That stuff went missing after the first wave of pre-patch gear going missing that was returned.

Maybe you guys need to do another whatever it was that returned the initial missing Warbank items? I’ve just stopped using it unless I can stick something in for an alt that can instantly log on and retrieve it, which is a shame because it’s an awesome QoL addition if it ever works right.


To quote Captain Picard: “A lie of omission is still a lie.”


Is there a Blizzcon this year? I don’t remember hearing anything about one, but if there is, maybe we can sneak a few questions in?


They wouldn’t allow it. They curate all questions in advance now and don’t let people ask questions. They changed it after the guy embarassed them with the “out of season april fools joke” question.


That was a beautiful, beautiful moment that I simply had to go and re-watch. Brings a tear to my eyes, it does. :smiley:


It was so well deserved too. After the announcement of such garbage. I have no idea why they thought they would get anything but boos from announcing such worthless trash. It’s not even a real game. It’s a casino. Someone made a simulator that lets you “play” with fake money.


I googled “Out of season April Fool’s day joke” and watched the video.

That brings joy to my cold, dead heart. :black_heart: :black_heart:


OK. Our (as long as time) guild bank from “Volenti Non Fit Injuria” - wiped from existence, save the trivial goals. 8 tabs worth. I finally got the response to a ticket “Sucks to be you, It’s all gone”.

I don’t know how I can possibly trust anything in-game, again. Achievements, Good lord even what’s in your bags. How the HELL can you? No, you can’t.


Exactly. Everyone in this thread going on about “it’s just pixels” doesn’t understand that it’s about trust! If they get away with this data loss then they’ll expect to also get away with the next one, and there will be a next one.


I hope Blizzard chooses to reverse course, do a 180, and do what’s right. Please make efforts to restore our lost items!


I think they said its multiple local events this year and not a huge blizzcon.

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no. he ignored my complaints ever since i post them. i want blizzard to make this right.

no they said there’s no blizzcon. this was stated months ago back in may i think.


i lost 7 tabs of lv25 pets(rare). many from events/time gated. it is 100% unacceptable and disrespectful that blizz doesn’t restore. all we hear about restores is the occasional stack of useless old mats with 1 copper…
i know exactly which pets were stolen and submitted in bug report plus tickets, no restores.
can’t be trusted


So, I am wondering if this is even a possibility, but has anyone brought up the topic of a class action lawsuit? I am still looking into it myself as a viable action and if nothing else I would like to see things in the US change so that companies are held more accountable for what becomes a “bad sale” (this is the best way I could think to phrase it. Yes, I realize some people mention mere pixels on a screen BUT WE PAID FOR THAT (some of us for years)! As I think about it more it borders on theft as stuff went missing with no current restitution or accountability!


Won’t fly in the US, they will point to the EULA and say we don’t own our items. Corporations write the law in the US so that’s it as far as the US goes.

In the EU and Australia, maybe. HOWEVER, the most that could happen there is for the court to decide that the game doesn’t function as advertised. The most they could be on the hook for there is expansion and potentially game time refunds for the affected period for people that want it. No lawsuit can force them to retrieve items.


Probably not possible, at least here. Blizzard owns the game. They could straight up delete the entire pets and mounts tabs tomorrow, intentionally, even the ones people paid money for, and still be legal in doing it.


That would cause them issues in the EU and Australia. BUT, as I said, the most they could be on the hook for there is refunds for people that want it.


ok so i havent received anything from my missing guild bank back iam missing probably close to 500k to 1 mil gold worth of mats so tell me something what is Blizzard going to do ?? let us all suffer??


They’re hoping that people will eventually get tired of posting here and stop talking about it, then they will quietly sweep it under the rug.

Although a LOT of people are quitting over this.


i do love this game and this expansion is far better than the recent ones However Blizzard forgets they need us way more than we need them !! so they better get their act together and i do mean get it together !!!