No moreso than the rest of us.
I never had an issue with the monthly fee. It’s an old system of monetization from a whole other era of gaming, and that was fairly standard back then. Some things just keep working, so why mess with them?
Of course, now that Microsoft could entirely subsidize WoW without a monthly fee, it’s less understandable, except for the fact that now Microsoft needs to earn back the billions they spent on ABK. I understand they need to earn back that investment, but if they’re cutting devs and not keeping our data secure… then it’s clear our sub fees are just going straight into Daddy Microsoft’s pockets.
No, you were not a fool. You were trusting and they gave no reason (in the past) to indicate they could not be trusted.
Now they’ve sent the message for how they are going to operate in the present and future.
Quite frankly I see the main reason Blizzard is not going to restore all those lost items…they cut their work force just before this happened …and now they are refusing to hire more Tech to work though the logs to find the stuff…I just don’t believe they lost all the logs to what was stored in Guild banks…
I mean they just announced they will be banning M+ key wasters if you drop out of a run too many times…well they have to have records of all those key jumpers leaving to make a case and now will be banning players…
So again I don’t believe they lost the logs they just don’t want to pay extra man power to go though all the logs …
I think it’s the same across most companies now. Tech support, QA, customer support — they don’t make money. They fire the people who know how the system works and then when there’s a huge issue like this, they don’t have the experienced staff or the numbers to solve it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the data isn’t “gone” but damaged in some way, and they’re just unwilling to spend the time/money getting it fixed. It seems really strange to me that such a huge company doesn’t have any backups. More likely they just cba dedicating staff to it, especially with their faster release schedule.
It’s not lost on me that all the speculation in this thread, all the “maybe it’s this” and “it could be that”, could be avoided by blizzard giving an actual response that isn’t just a corpospeak “apology”.
You are assuming someone wants it to be avoided. They already gave a response and whether you like it or not that is it. Having a handful of people speculate about something isnt a concern.
I remember a comment relating to a very old post on the subreddit “Tales from Tech Support”. It basically went like this:
- Things are going well
Management: “What are we paying you for?”
- Things are not going well
Management: "What are we paying you for? "
It wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out they laid off the only people who knew how to fix the issue lmao. “where’s the guy who knows how guild bank databases work?” “you fired him six months ago” “oh yeah lol”
This issue and sooooo many others based on the number of bugs that have existed since prepatch, as shown in these forums.
Such a sad state things are in, it saddens me as much as it disgusts me.
I actually think this is very likely. They don’t look at individual skill and knowledge when laying off people (especially mass-layoffs). They look at the damn Excel spreadsheets and graphs and figure out how they will save money. “OH LOOK! Bob, who worked at XYZ department at MS can do the same thing!” Except Bob doesn’t have years of experience with the particular coding, or how the infrastructure works. They probably brought in a bunch of people (after getting rid of the “redundancy”) who may have had the same or similar titles but couldn’t handle the particular spaghetti code that was World of Warcraft. They may have been looking for ways to save time (since they’ve been put on such a tight schedule) and who knows - maybe figured proper backup wasn’t necessary.
There are a TON of bugs nowadays, but each probably affecting a small enough group of people that it doesn’t get into the bigger conversations (such as, with streamers). But if this keeps up, I have a feeling that something will break enough that it can’t be ignored.
Of the things we got back, many were things we already had in the bank. If they did TRULY lose all of our data (which I’m still not convinced of, and is in some ways more frightening of a thought) maybe that was their way of giving back things that they figured we lost, instead of guessing. (Though if they were going to go and look in our guild banks to figure that out, at least in my case, they could have read the TAB titles). Or maybe someone wrote a quick script scan the banks and give very little back of what they thought we had (or in my case STILL HAVE).
All conjecture, of course, since actual information is not forthcoming nor being investigated.
I believe it. Too many in management seem to not have the experience to understand what they are managing.
Reminds me of someone who wanted to save money by cancelling AAA saying she never used it. We convinced her to keep it, fortunately.
Didn’t the platform previously known as twitter list all their engineers based on how many lines of code they’d written over a year and then fired the ones who scored the lowest? And then it turned out they’d fired a bunch of essential people who, yknow, created and maintained the barebones framework and then twitter had to frantically rehire people once they realised “uh oh, there’s no one else who knows how to fix these problems, whoopsie”
I know companies want to make a profit, that’s not a bad thing. But laying off staff, pushing a faster release schedule, not fixing the bugs that happen or even compensating people for them, and pushing things like a mount that costs as much as the recent xpac??? I think we’re reaching a breaking point with a lot of companies that do this, where people are finally having enough. I don’t need them to reinvent the wheel and come up with new and exciting concepts all the time — I’ve enjoyed wow for almost the entire time it’s been out, I just want a game that works. And if there’s a problem, I want that problem to be fixed. Their response in this thread feel like them saying “well we did all we could, get over it already” when they have the money and resources to fix the issue or compensate people. This is behavior I’d expect from a ftp ptw mobile game filled with ads.
We can only hope, but it tough when there are so many people that don’t care that it’s a subpar product, feel that they cannot talk to their friends elsewhere, feel that they are throwing away invested time (this was the part I struggled with before I unsubbed), FOMO for “special events”, or are just straight up addicted to the game and can’t put it down no matter what garbage is thrown into it.
Pretty sure they bank on the last 2 keeping their wallets fat while they just let this dumpster fire burn.
just a quick update to say all my guilds items are still missing, no emails or apologies from blizzard as of yet.
Same – just a few stacks of goblin gliders – not sure why they don’t just take that as well – I mean if you are going to take everything from my GB, take it all, not just leave some nonsense.
Why is this forum post pinned here?
No Blizzard response since September 20, 2024.
Why do we not matter to Blizzard?
This is a lie. Read the first post.
Oh, you’re still here? Why? I thought this topic was “no big deal” and everyone should “move past it and get over it”. Still seems important to you. 
Linxy’s job is what Blizzard decides is their job. As much as we’d like to think CS and CM serve the customers, they don’t. We don’t get to decide what they should do, and we need to stop pretending we do. It’s not useful. This is not a problem that can be dealt with using fantasy powers.
Forums are so much nicer when you block the trolls and don’t see their posts. It’s hilarious I can probably guess which one you’re talking to just by the quotes haha. Funny they’re still here spouting their nonsense