Guild Bank Logs are seriously outdated

Our guild bank logs for items and gold are 10 months old and no new changes have been logged for months despite the bank getting regular use and items being used on a near daily basis.

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Are you using addons that adjust Gbank or Bag settings? I don’t believe this is on the current issues list.

No add on seems to be creating this issue. I have the standard in game bank/bags

Did you try a UI reset though? Because that problem happened quite a while back and I have not seen many recent reports of others experiencing it (other than those with some addon problems). I confirmed my Gbank log was working as intended, but I don’t use any bag or searching addons anymore.

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I have been experiencing the same thing. I can see when I take out something but then it reverts to 10-month-old gold and withdraw logs the next day. I have submitted several tickets and the assure me it is not an issue. How can I manage my guild if I cannot see who uses the bank?

This has been happening since last year. No addons are doing it. I have a friend who uses NO ADDOns at all. She sees the exact same thing in our guild bank that I see which is 7 months ago so and so took out 1 heal pot. Nothing is ever updated its way behind. Cant operate a guild properly with this problem. I also put in a ticket awhile back, lots of tickets in there. Its just not getting fixed or Blizz is ignoring us :frowning:

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