Guild bank log

Today i noticed that the guild bank’s log was not working when i went to get an enchant and there were none left.

Pre 10.1 i purchased 150 Waking Stat scrolls for the guild to use, and they are all gone. To insure that someone did not just take an entire stack on accident OR personal profit i checked the log and it stops at “one month ago”. Odd, but when checking the repair log it also stops at “one month ago”. The guild is not broke, people are constantly using it and yet logs are not working.

reply or fix please. Vex - Thunderlord.

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Having this issue also, most of my tab logs are saying 1 month ago, as for anything going in and out of the guild bank. Money log is 2 months.

I know for fact today I took out leathers to make some items, and that is not showing up on the logs. If I need to submit a separate bug report, please inform me. Otherwise this seems to be a continuing issue with some guilds.


Edit: After making this post, I had one transaction show up <one hour. With still a gap of 1 month on everything else. Still not consistent.

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This is still occurring for us and has been for all of 10.1. The guild bank will start logging things for a little bit and then suddenly reset itself back to 2 months ago.

This has been very frustrating as we run a learning guild so it’s not uncommon for people to accidentally withdraw an entire stack of enchants or something and we even occasionally have a few bad eggs looking to take advantage that we use the guild bank log to police. Usually we’re fine accepting the risk they might use their permissions to withdraw things to sell but that’s under the assumption we can use the guild bank logs to address those issues when they arise rather than there being a bug that encourages it.

Mine stopped about 4 months ago now depending on the tab. I tried to put in a ticket but got an automated response to come here to find this to know that nothing will happen.

Regardless of which character I log in on (including horde characters that just joined the guild and weren’t in the guild 4 months ago), the guild’s “money log” shows activity that happened for 2 weeks, 4 months ago and has not updated since then nor does it show any of the activity prior to that.
Each of our guild bank tabs also only shows 2 weeks of activity from 4 months ago.
Even though our guild bank is used pretty frequently, and there should definitely be some changes to the logs.
It seems 4 months ago the game just quit logging everything happening in the guild bank, but it’s not an old copy of the log that my characters retained, since newly joined characters are seeing it too.