Guild Bank Blockade - The War Within has Broken my Personal (Toon) Guild Bank

Since the update went live I have been effectively locked out of my guild bank currency.
I am the only member, over multiple toons, in this guild.
On alts, it does nothing.
On my main, the guildmaster, I am able to input gold but unable to withdraw it. I am able to withdraw and input items.
Only the gold has been refusing to let me withdraw. It allows you to type in the desired amount - but the action just doesn’t complete. It acts as if nothing was input - as if no request to withdraw went through.
I thought it was due to some weirdness relating to the Warband Bank, so I went and unlocked it. The issue persists.
So, I am effectively locked from using any of my own gold as I’ve stored it in my personal g-bank to prevent over-spending and be able to transfer it to same server toons.
Given the other reported bugs in relation to currency the only thing that makes sense is somehow, someway, the update has broken it.


Looked at the money log of guild bank - it is going through, but not registering to interact.

It sees the withdrawal request. It accepts the withdrawal. It does not withdraw the gold into toon currency inventory.

Definitely broken.

Second Update: I have managed to get it to withdraw smaller increments of gold, also reflecting in the withdrawal logs.
The withdrawal logs are also currently reflecting the “withdrawals” that didn’t go through.


Same exact problem.

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I have had the same problem with my guild bank, since the update. I have not seen anything listed anywhere on if its being looked at. My guild bank is my own as well.

I am hoping they will fix it soon. I don’t see anymore maintenance being done today like the last few days have been.


Same issue. Affects different toons in my guild differently - there are 4 unique players with multiple toons. My one character is the GUILDMASTER, and cannot withdraw funds. How the HECK is the guildmaster not able to withdraw funds?!

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Same issue here for both my wife and I.

Edit: it appears that sometimes logging out and back in will let you pull out varying amounts a few times before locking you out again.


Same is happening to me. Tried renaming Cashe, interface and wtf files and no joy it logs money being removed but the balance does not change.

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Blizzard fix this!!! Right Meow!


I am having the same issue!! :frowning: Would love to withdraw all my funds so that I can purchase more warband tabs :frowning: It’s my money, and I need it now!


I am having the same issue i am GM of a raiding guild and cant withdraw gold from bank but we can deposit lol sigh Blizz you need to fix everything else before we worry about TWW…

Still going on, a week later…

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They are working on a fix just hope they let us know when it is done.
I would not mind if they just left the guild banks the way they were… they did not need updating and I am guarded moving them to a bank with a 2 hour window and one account at a time.

I was excited when learning about the idea of War Banks was coming but after hearing about some problems people are having I feel I don’t fully understand what are bugs and what is intentional.

Hoping it all works out

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