Guild and Player Housing

To start I know there are a lot of posts about player housing inviting discussions but these are older and quite a few don’t go into anything specific. I did read a very in depth article on wowhead someone did (I can’t seem to find it now) and wanted to expand on it.

Guild and Player Housing

Guild Housing - Community and a place for guilds to hang out together. Cities are great and all shopping should be done in the city. Auction house, vendors etc. This is housing, not a garrison.

  • Guild housing would be outside the major factions’ cities (not in them). We already have cross faction guilds and cross realm is coming in TWW.
    • Eventually guild houses could be moved to other zones - Grizzly Hills, Valley of the Four WInds - there could be other guild housing neighborhoods in various places
      • Moving the guild house would cost in game currency
  • Guild houses can not be bought in the wow shop - strictly in game funds only. Can even make it where you have to buy a token from the guild bank funds to use to access the “key” for a house once one is decided on. One guild house per guild
  • No restrictions on availability of a guild house. Every guild that meets the requirements could have a guild house.
  • Guild housing neighborhoods. Meet other guilds in the area.
  • Guild housing location would be decided by the Guild Leader and the guild would need to be active for 6 months.
  • Hearthstone to the guild house with a separate GCD from the other hearthstones.
  • Portals to SW and ORG only - they can then use the portals there to access other cities.
  • At certain ranks guild members could have the ability to “rent” a room in the guild house. These ranks would be separate from guild ranks and accessible through the guild house tab. Rankings could be done however the Guild Lead decides in order for guild members to earn the right to have a room they rent. Funds would be payable to the guild bank and the guild leader sets the monthly price. (not to exceed certain amounts). Players can also have a house outside the guild house. They are not restricted to a room in the guild house and can buy their own apartment or house with their own funds.
  • Guild houses display statues/plaques from achievements done as a team.
  • This would also introduce “sister guilds” 2 or more guilds could register as separate guilds in the same guild house and achieve guild achievements for their own guild. On low pop realms especially - 2 or more guilds could become team members for raids/dungeons. Small guilds exist and they could not achieve these raid achieves due to the minimum numbers needed. As sister guilds though, in the same guild house, they could. Obviously one guild would buy the house, presumably the one with the larger player base and/or more funds, the sister guild would then request to register and the Guild Lead of that house would approve. The sister guild could at any time leave with their personal items to each player going with. Items that are in progress (guild garden) stay and are completed by the guild house members.
  • Guild crafting tables - these are earned through higher level group content. With DF and the introduction of the crafting tables, guilds could earn these. Still would have to go shopping for vendor items but you could come home to make them. IF Blizzard decides to bring back reforging stats - reforge table in guild houses
  • Guild bank in the guild house. It just makes sense. Player banks are still in the city.
  • Furniture - with items from the past 20 years being available for furniture from every faction, these items can be drops and we could introduce a new profession - woodworking.
  • Woodworking would be a new profession to replace first aid. You will need items from other professions - tailors for fabric, nails from blacksmithing, leather from skinners and leatherworkers, scribes for scrolls of color, wallpaper etc. Builder could also be a profession - stone, wood and metal options
  • With professions, enchanters make lighting, engineers can make holographic projectors (wow tv’s), herbalist’s use seeds for the garden, tailors make the fabrics for bedding, curtains, etc. These are unlocked through leveling your profession but semi-rare customizations can be dropped from the world, raids, dungeons, achievements etc. Really rare items can be dropped from higher level content.
  • Guild gardens - herbalists help maintain but every guild member can help. Herbalist plants the seeds and guilds help with watering and weeding. When it’s harvested, it automatically goes into the guild bank. Can even have a guild notification that (Player X harvested Flower A x10) You can upgrade your seeds and soil through content with rarer ones being from harder content.
  • Guild house is customizable just like the player creation/barbershop. The house would represent the area it is situated in but can be changed in color and decorations.
  • Guild stables - guild members can house 1 mount here but can change it and they have the ability to walk out to the stable and mount from there.
  • Mailboxes at the guild house
  • Music boxes just like the garrisons
  • Not a requirement for power in game. Guild achieves can be done for those that have the guild house, but not power based. You should not be forced into having a guild house or joining a guild.
  • Gives rested bonus just like an inn
  • Account wide access for alts in the guild.
  • Collection tab to decorate the house. Can go back and collect old content to receive more items to decorate with.
  • Toys are allowed to be placed inside the guild house (limited number)
  • The achievement Well Read - could be transformed into a guild achievement and expanded upon to include all the books, they are then accessible by the guild members to read from a bookshelf that was built by a woodworker/builder.
  • Selfie camera pics can be displayed
  • Limited number of items per house total and limited number of items placed per guild members room.
  • Click and place for furniture, decorations etc and they go where they are suppose to - no chairs on the wall
  • Guild content - weekly guild only quests, crafting orders, guild members leveling up, group content. Give a guild currency that Guild Lead can use to upgrade the house - anything from additional rooms (if you save up 2 weeks worth of guild currencies), larger gardens/stables, open up additional reagents tabs in the guild bank
  • Guild hunting/gathering parties with current DF groups - hunting party with the Maruuk - skinner’s work together. Also good for cooking by gathering meat. Herbalists gather together within the Emerald Dream and are able to gather rare seeds to grow
  • Guild mini games - draw inspiration from the mini games in current and previous expansions
  • Pets are allowed to roam the guild house
  • Prospective guild members have limited access for a short period of time to tour the house and grounds

Personal Housing -

Personal housing is also a part of the game as some people like to game on their own and not belong to a guild, one of the reasons delves are coming in TWW

  • Personal housing should be in neighborhoods to satisfy not only those that play on their own, but also those that like to socialize. There should be at least 2 neighborhoods per zone. This may be hard to implement at first but can be done over time. Cottages in the woods, houses near water, yurts in the desert, apartments in the cities etc. Can open a new housing zone each season.
  • Max level to buy a player house
  • Medium difficulty to move your house if a new zone opens where you want to live. From say Elwynn Forest to Ashenvale would cost more as its different continents than say Azure Span to the Waking Shore - same continent. Cross expansion would cost the most ex. from Terrokar Forest to Krasarang Wilds- 24 hour waiting period once paid and confirmed you want to move.
  • Personal houses have no vendors, AH, banks etc. Players still need to visit cities - these are not garrisons.
  • Personal gardens - upgraded soil, seeds etc from doing content the rarer the harder to obtain
  • Personal stables - housing more than one mount
  • Players can also have a house outside the guild house.
  • Pets roam free at the house
  • Mailbox at the home
  • Houses that are small, medium and large - same with apartments. Can be upgraded with in game currency
  • All the same decoration capabilities as guild housing, and same rules - chairs can’t be placed on walls/ceilings
  • Display personal achieves
  • Homes are account wide
  • Portal to one main city of player choice with a separate GCD
  • Discoveries - Alchemy really alchemy - mixing this with that creates (XX)
  • Can “sell” the home back for 50% of purchase price if sold within 3 months. After 3 months full price. This is to keep people from buying and selling over and over. When you sell all your personal items are “bulk mailed” to you. Pets/mounts/transmogs are still in your collections inventory.
  • Personal houses “decline” if you don’t log in for 4-6 months the home starts to decline like it’s abandoned - eventually at 9-12 months the contents are mailed to you and the home is sold back to WoW at 50% of purchase price with funds being mailed to you as well.
  • Ability to display armor sets, achieves etc
  • Decorations and items for homes/gardens/stalls are not account/soulbound unless tied to a personal/guild achievement. Everything basically can be sold to other players or on AH.
  • Homes are available to visit in neighborhoods when the “homeowner” is home.
  • Weekly neighborhood events - kinda like guild events but centered on the neighborhood. Rewards for completing - achieves but not power based. Players should not be forced to buy a home.
  • Again as with guild housing - in game currency only - no houses in the wow shop.
  • Archeology brought back - items found can be displayed and items can be used in professions to create new items.

I know this is quite a bit and it would take some serious work and I still think it is completely possible.

I talked to my guild about this so it isn’t a “this is my thoughts” post. It’s from a whole guild who would love to have this implemented sooner vs later as we have all been waiting for years for this to become a reality.


Let’s git er done Blizzard!

hhmmm, can we raid other player housings?


I don’t see any evidence that they’re willing to take this on among all the other content delivery challenges they have (they did just bite off three expansions with faster-than-usual pacing).

It would be nice, but devs don’t work for free, so resources have to be allocated to things they already committed to (and that’s a LOT!).

This is something Blizz has already stated they do not want to do, as it’s “fun for the guild leader, not so much for the guild.”

This limits who can get houses. Instanced is better. Anyone can get a house, then.


Pass. I’d rather we were just able to buy a house that’s tailored to that zone like Old Republic does.

Only if it’s for decoration.

Why would anyone sell it?

Absolutely not. No. No no no. No.

All decos obtained should be account bound.

Instanced housing has boards for public listings and keys for friends at different levels of visitation.


I agree that its a lot and absolutely agree devs don’t and shouldn’t work for free. This is something the community has asked for for years. A lot is already built in and a lot needs to be built. Blizzard says that they are listening to the community now, well here is something for them to consider and it would bring a whole new aspect to the game besides the other new stuff they are trying out (Plunderstorm- A lot of work went into that and its a limited event). Its just my opinion that those resources could be put to a long term use.

im happy to just…never have housing.

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How is it not fun for the guild? My guild is all in on this

For those that stop playing or unsub

Because :slight_smile:

By moving the house I mean moving your items to a new zone that fits that zones style

Buy/sell buy/sell buy/sell - Bots

Subbed players only - at the same time life happens and you might have to take a break.

If you want to sell your player housing items on the AH - you should be able to. When you decide you want a different table and chairs - sell them, why leave them account bound?

I like that idea :slight_smile:

And just like all the other threads on this subject, this one will result in nothing more than an argument for and against and accomplish nothing. There is nothing left of the dead horse, let it rest in peace.

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Which is why its not tied to power and not mandatory

I don’t like this idea… if we had instanced houses like ESO, if we don’t keep up with it just make it like Animal Crossing where we got to smush some bugs or something.

Kill a few crows that decided to make a nest in the garden.

Speaking of animal crossing, I may go lay down in a bit and play animal crossing.


that doesn’t change my opinion on it

Because guild lead and sometimes officers are the only ones who decorate and get full advantage.

This is irrelevant for instanced housing.

So you’re just arbitrarily gating housing behind max level for no reason whatsoever. K.

Why would you move everything? What would be the point of decorating a second house then? The point of housing being evergreen is to continually want more decos to continuall decorate.

I am not following this whatsoever.

And there is NO reason to lose housing. We don’t lose character names like that.

Obtained as in learned. Used. I never said we shouldn’t be able to sell decos. That’s part of what professions are for: making and selling decos.

Because you’ll use them in another house.

You should try out Old Republic some time. Learn how instanced housing works.

Overall I understand where you are coming from with your thoughts. I don’t play Old Republic, I play WoW and this is an idea that is absolutely open to discussion, the pros and cons. No one knows if this will ever come to be, putting the idea out there and making blizz aware that while this might not be for everyone, there are quite a few who do want it and “here are some ideas”. How it will work out is something that needs thoughts, planning and resources. I have played this game for the past 15 years and this is something my guild and a lot of the community want if not this exact way. Maybe they do decide to go forward and take even one suggestion, they wouldn’t have had that suggestion without the player feedback on it. I appreciate the banter though and I do hope they eventually bring this to fruition.

i want a house irl, and i also want a house in-game. apparently blizzy had plans for player housing way back in vanilla. shows its at least something on their radar

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I put another gold bust in my house in ESO from the final boss kill of a vet dungeon we ran last night. There are a ton of achievement housing items in that game and it’s awesome that you can display a tangible item from something you did. Wish we had this in WoW.

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It is posts like this that guarantee we will never have guild and/or player housing.

You have a lot of wonderful ideas but they are extravagant and complicated, making them outrageously costly in terms of financial investment and development time.

However, if we are going complicated and extravagant, my son, who used to run his own guild, said a pinball machine mini-game in a guild house would have been fun with the only ‘reward’ being their name in a 5 slot high score board over it.

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You are right there are a lot of extravagant items there. I was going long term. At this point I would be happy with a simple guild house to chill in with my guild lol

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And for player housing, I would be happy with renting a simple (instanced) room, accessed from a present unused door in Stormwind/Orgrimmar where my character can express her unique taste thru simple decor selections and lay her head down in peace and privacy!

Personally, I think, in time, player housing could pay for itself by making the more elaborate pieces of funiture (ie canopy bed vs a panel bed) and unusual wall colors (ie teal vs beige) exclusive to the WoW shop.

And if it didn’t, Blizzard could still maintain it and add drops each expansion, just not expand it to larger domains.

Yes… yes there are. And I’m sure you know what happened to mine? I’ll give you a hint:

It furthered the reason why developers are not listening to us. And perhaps for very good reason.