Guild and Communities Unavailable

I’m having the same issue, and I’m the gm.

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same issue on Silvermoon US server…

Issue appears to be fixed for now!

not for my server

I’ve just started to have the same issue today on Khaz’goroth . I can’t see guild or officer chat nor can I access the ingame guild and community page. I’ve tried no addons, new wtf folder and quitting the guild and re-joining but nothing has worked.

Same here in Terrokar. Just logged on this morning and its greyed out for me. Pm’ed a few guildies and they all said they see me online in the guild, so i know i wasnt kicked.

i’ve submitted bug report and tech support and getting no traction or responses. In game community seems to be there but all 100+ members can’t see it in their list. It’s searchable but no one can join and link says it doesn’t exist. 0 responses from blizz kind of BS

I just started playing again after many years, was trying to join a guild but it just says couldn’t submit the application…I’m assuming it’s the same bug you guys are referring to?? :woman_shrugging:

Just started happening for me too, guild and communities tab is completely unavailable for me. I looked into it and a post by blizzard says it was recently fixed. Well…apparently not.

Same issue on Stormrage.

Same here on Illidan was working fine this morning

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Just started getting this issue on ER, but only on one toon. The one in Shadowlands has it. Every other character seems fine.

Happening again on Silvermoon this morning.

Happening on Hakkar today too.

This is occurring on Madoran as well.

Same for me on Elune, although hasn’t affected any of my guildmates so far.

turning off all of my mods worked.

Literally 1 year ago there was the same problem.
Same month …
For 10 days there were already reports.

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how is it fixed? what did you hear? Ive had this issue since thursday and its still bugging