Guild achievements still not working - needs fix before prepatch

I had the same thought about WoWhead, since everything else they posted about at least got a response. No idea how to get them to notice/make a post though :\

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I just had a chance to log in after today’s maintenance. No fix yet, max-level characters still not triggering the achievements. Tracked guild achievements still going to the generic character achievement pane.

Seems the only hope here is that they’ve chosen to wait until the expansion actually launches to wipe Stay Classy partial credits. I’m not holding my breath on it, though.

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It’s a Christmas in July miracle!! I raced to my computer to confirm my alts are now counting. Login to all your classy alts to trigger the credit.


I think they actually fixed them!!! I’m actually shocked!!!


Well I’ll be…

Better late than never. Just in time for our GM to be reminded that his Pandaren is Horde and can’t give us credit. :joy:

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Yes, many achieves are tracking, catching up, progressing, and completing. Thanks all for posting and bringing attention to this issue.


Welp, I gotta check this tonight!


I found this post because I came to search why suddenly my Timerunner isn’t getting much guild rep. I have leveled four Timerunners, and this one is about to hit 70 without reaching Exalted. That’s not happened before with ANY of the other ones, so something broke recently. I finished a Timerunner last week. The new one has lagging guild reputation. Did they go live with the cross-realm guilds yet? Did the latest patch or two change our guild details in preparation? It’s clearly broken stuff.

The Classy guild achievements and quest counts are working but I’m not getting credit on the profession quests achievements.