Guild achievement spam

Yes, keep the bumps coming

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BUMPITY BAWMPY BUMP! This is really lame!


During my raid last night, the guild spam covered my raid frames. We were at 15% and the entire raid died. It was brutal.

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Another week and still dealing with thisā€¦ can we get a blue response at least???

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We the people demand answers ! , yes . I agree.

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Fix this. :rage: :roll_eyes:


Still there. Itā€™s in my big guilds where the problems really are. Smaller guilds donā€™t have the issue. Xfaction big guilds are a lag fest with spam. One of my big guilds is now begging people not to log on/off or currency transfer during their progression runs. Soā€¦canā€™t play during their times because Blizz wonā€™t fix a lag. (Itā€™s an alt guild, I donā€™t usually play that alt those days anyway, itā€™s just funny that a guild would ask that for a blizz bug).


Bumping again, itā€™s happened like 3 times today already, with 2 of them being in the past hour.

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The crash to desktop when taking off with dragon-riding is also annoying.

Guild achievement spam is even more annoying though because itā€™s a simple fix to just disable guild achievements or at least the offending ones and they just wonā€™t do it.

What is it they even do during maintenance?


this bug is beyond annoying. Blizz you really need to prioritize this one.

our guild sees these achievements go off probably 6-12 times a day, sometimes in the middle of raids

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We the people , demand this be fixed *insert pitchfork

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Daily bump. Letā€™s get this fixed blizzard

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Hey team, its me. Back at it again with another bump

Well, it took guild achievement spam lagging and wiping one of Liquidā€™s pulls to get this fix pulled up but we got it done. Good job everyone.


From the devs:


Ladies and Gentlemen. It was an honor and a pleasure bumping this post daily with yā€™all.


LFG we did it!